
This is an injury. Its actually the tight side from hip to shoulder. I had a bad fall. They said it was nothing. Couple years later, said it was inflammation, couple more years said it was fibro, I've since had tons symptoms. Mostly passing out and chronic tachycardia. Oxygen drops to 80 when I move my right arm. lung is patially collapsed. The thigh muscles are torn, on the PSOSA. Theyve just lied and let it fall apart while I scramble the medical system and lose everything I had. I have my SSI court date on the 4th.. I have all my paperwork. They released me from the hospital and I'm quoting verbatim "traumatic injury to the muscular skeletal system " under discharge diagnosis. SPEACIALIST tried to play it off.... its loops. Such a long painful downward spiral that keeps getting worse

So rediculous, you need to go to a new doctor and see if he can send you to a new specialist everyone is entitled to second opinions. I remember some of this way back on the weed site and thought it would be taken care of now. I really hope it works out for you in court, good luck, im falling asleep here bligging from bed its after midnight, so Good night for now and take care!!

You see on medicade when you read the fine print it says that it is a medical program to help treat your symptoms. You dont have a right to surgery. Its a big thing. Im not the only one

I know but Its true. The things I have had to learn...

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