Finally winter is here in the Netherlands! It’s cold and it snowed today! Just heard ...

in #appics6 years ago

... on the news we had 2200km of traffic tonight because of it in our tiny country. Guess most were not prepared for it.


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And now the real question we Dutchies ask next: Elfstedentocht?

Haha, Maybe this year! :)

Would be a lot of fun! I think Friesland will explode from all the people :)

TMW the Netherlands gets snow later than we did. XD Or is that just me being an ignorant American who's never been there, that I picture the Netherlands getting worse winters than we do (I'm in Colorado, which is half prairie and half mountains where all the ski towns are)?

The snow looks awesome.
Enjoy @exyle

Ah Cold ... I had today -21 here in Estonia :)))
I hope you get this also soon ;))

Ok you win!

Npr :)) I hope you have fun what your snow there :))

That first big snow of the year is always a gotcha for a lot of people. I think people forget over the Summer and then it takes them a little bit to remember how to drive in that kind of weather. We had snow this past weekend followed by wind chills in the .-25 degree Fahrenheit range. It was pretty intense. Now they are calling for another snow storm tonight. Tomorrow should be interesting for sure!

It looks pretty nice to me. :-)

I... had no traffic jam none 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 I'm sitting in the sun again doing some posts oh.. I must make new accounts I promised. I will do that first then.. bye bye sun. 🙈

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I have to laugh a little bit about this. It was all predicted and still everybody acts surprised. Enjoy the snowy walks as long as they last!

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Het is toch echt ongelofelijk. In Nederland heb je 2 soorten mensen. De mensen die dit leuk vinden en het als plezierig ervaren. En de mensen die in de file staan.

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Die mensen in de file hebben vast niet de keus gehad om thuis te kunnen werken vandaag 😉

Er is altijd een keuze Rey😜

Posted using Partiko Android

Mark @exyle I am Happy for you, I think ?

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