Amstel is gaining so much extra weight during this unusually harsh winter, we’ve ...

in #appics6 years ago (edited)

... begun calling him Hamstel! 😂 Thankfully warmer temperatures (and longer walks) are in the ten day weather forecast. He’ll lose his extra pounds in no time.


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What a smart look. I hope the weather will not let you down and spring will finally come into its own

Spring is bound to arrive sooner or later. Hopefully just a few more weeks!

Ammie is becoming a real porker, but from what I hear all animals in the north pork up to survive the cold winters up there, I guess even the domesticated ones as he has shown.
Hope it warms up soon, and I'm not just talking about your place, it is below freezing here this morning in Texas.

He's "looking prosperous" as a friend of ours likes to say. : ) For a beagle he's still pretty slim and trim. Most beagles we see around the neighborhood are huge. Between being master beggars at home and having their super sniffers for food they find on walks they get plenty of calories. Amstel's advantage is he gets 5-6 miles of walking a day...that's been cut down to 2-3 miles lately with our subzero temps. Warmer weather is on the horizon! We're breaking freezing in the next seven days.

That is a lot of walking for a dog even at 2 or 3 miles a day. He will surely burn some calories off. We got into the 40's today and I am freezing at those temps, I don't envy you one bit when it comes to weather my friend.

We've walked like that since he was a pup. He's so used to it he gets depressed if he doesn't get his exercise in. 40 degrees is cold if you're not used to it. The long range forecast is finally looking like we're making some progress towards spring. I'm thinking this might be our last full winter here, we'll probably head down to Arizona for a while next year after the Holidays. From what I've read climate change is altering the jet stream which will allow the colder Canadian air (polar vortex) to make its way further south on a regular basis. If it plays out this way the upper Midwest will an even worse place to be between October and May.

At first want to say you took a lovely photography of Amstel, looking so cute and innocent. Looking she doesn't like winter, waiting for spring like me!

Hamstel though! hhaha dawww, that face is hard to resist im sure it's so hard not to give him extra treats as well hehe <3

You're right, his cuteness gets him lots of extra treats. : )

LOL the perspective on this photo is perfect. What a nose.
Mike took our little Max out yesterday and threw him in the snow.. It is so deep he sinks under .. lol.

Thanks! It’s the same way here. Amstel gets frisky in the sunshine and has been wanting to climb the snow hills. We’re supposed to get up to 13 more inches this weekend!!

That is an incredible amount of snow. Where are you?
I am wondering what will happen when it all melts.

Lol I think for dogs to lose weight is not a problem, it is enough to disperse the birds on the street (we would be so)

You're right. We just have to adjust his "walk-to-treat ratio"....Lol.

In winter, in my opinion, everyone is gaining weight, my cat has also become much more :) It's good that spring is coming soon

True, a little weight gain is normal. It's allowing him to stay out in the cold a little longer with the extra insulation.

But you know he is such a "Ham" :) I hope Spring is making its way in for everyone.

He is a ham! He's so comical sometimes.

Gotta love our pets personality. Bet he loved getting out for a stroll and kick the cabin fever too.

Absolutely! They do have distinct personalities. He got to go for a short car ride last night, which he was ecstatic about. : )

He's quite adorable, you see you take good care of him. Those extra kilos that come from time to time are not bad, we all have our days of sleeping, eating and slacking!

I agree, he'll shed the extra weight in no time once we can get out and walk more.

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