
If you're in Chiang Mai, you should attend some of the crypto events, you may get one :)
Monday's at Food4Thought, Thursdays at Cube No 7 :)

That'sr excellent news @connecteconomy

Would you mind telling me how those events look like? Anyone is trying to organize it or is it more like a free-chatting gathering?

Also what time and every monday/thursday? Are you perhaps planning to go next week?


Monday is organised with speech - at 6pm. Thursday’s is just mingling at 7pm. I should be there next Monday. Won’t make it on Thursday.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Dear @connecteconomy

I will do my best to come visit tomorrow by 6pm. Could you please look around to see if you can spot tall guy with glasses and potato face? :)


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JST 0.029
BTC 63782.14
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.55