📷Monthly Author Challenge #11.28 #ThursdayGreen Bus to work and a long day |  上 ...

in #appics5 years ago (edited)

... 班的公车还会是漫长一天 😎 @ace108)
This is the bus I'm getting on to work. It will be a long day because I have to rush to Singapore Polytechnic for 2 quiz sessions. So, good luck to me. 😎


Powered by APPICS - visit us at appics.com%0AThis%20is%20the%20bus%20I'm%20getting%20on%20to%20work.%20It%20will%20be%20a%20long%20day%20because%20I%20have%20to%20rush%20to%20Singapore%20Polytechnic%20for%202%20quiz%20sessions.%20So,%20good%20luck%20to%20me.%20%F0%9F%98%8E%0A%E8%BF%99%E6%98%AF%E6%88%91%E4%B8%8A%E7%8F%AD%E6%90%AD%E7%9A%84%E5%85%AC%E8%BD%A6%E3%80%82%E4%BB%8A%E5%A4%A9%E4%BC%9A%E6%98%AF%E6%BC%AB%E9%95%BF%E4%B8%80%E5%A4%A9%E5%9B%A0%E4%B8%BA%E5%82%8D%E6%99%9A6%E7%82%B9%E8%A6%81%E8%B5%B6%E5%8E%BB%E6%96%B0%E5%8A%A0%E5%9D%A1%E7%90%86%E5%B7%A5%E5%AD%A6%E9%99%A2%E4%B8%A4%E5%A0%82%E6%B5%8B%E9%AA%8C%E3%80%82%E9%82%A3%E7%A5%9D%E6%88%91%E5%A5%BD%E8%BF%90%E5%90%A7%E3%80%82%F0%9F%98%8E&category=travel&hashtags=palnet+cn+neoxian+photography&author=ace108&profileImageUrl=https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/appics-content/profileImages/867-1546654346873-640&permlink=appics-v1-appics-im-50634)


🎁 Hi @ace108! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Sailing Into The Week Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Oh! I love to sit on top and get the view!!! Cool bus! Good luck with those quizzes!


Haha...if you are here, I'll take you for a ride and i don't mean the scammy way. Actually, I was hoping to ride the front row of the upper deck through a street of Christmas decorations but it's tricky trying to get that seats when the bus goes through that street.
Thanks for the tip too.

Cool bus, hope your day went well @ace108 !

Thank you

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