How can we just throw obsession with appearance away?

in #appearance6 years ago (edited)


Do you like beautiful woman?


or handsome man?


Most of us tent to be obsessive with our appearance.
Medias like hollywood, youtube, etc... are always telling us that : woman who has this eye color is beautiful, man who have this hair color is gorgeous, blah blah blah....
And many of us are brainwashed from that unconciously.
Then we compare ourselves to other person.

His car is more expensive than mine, He has a better job than mine, She's prettier than me....

What do you think? Do you think that's human being's instinct that can't be helped?

Yes, you're right, and No.

That's definitely human's instinct but damn we have to try to overcome it!
But how?

Do we have to say everyone that "Oh you're so beautiful!" "You're hot enough!" "Everyone is beautiful!" ?
That's better than now but that's just another judging about other people's looking.
We don't even have to start to think about other people's apperance.
We have to learn how to see her/his souls, or aura.

If you have real-awareness of this problem, please don't start to think about other people's appearance.
Deeply Think About What Is Really Important!


Thanks for watching :) Stay healthy, Stay happy :) See ya!

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