It Shouldn't Be Just Words, Contributed By @Olawalium

in #apology6 years ago


A lot of people will tell you sorry and not mean it. How do you know they don’t mean it? Well, you know by their actions after they have said sorry. Some people will even act up because they felt aggrieved for saying the sorry. They feel it is an injustice to them for having to say sorry. Maybe they are used to receiving it than saying it and their ego is always at stake.

When you tell people sorry, you should mean it. You are not expected to say it just to placate the situation but because you know you have done wrong and you want to do things better. It’s annoying to have people tell you sorry, and then you think they mean it and afterwards, they start giving attitude. I intentionally shun people like that out of my space because I believe they are proud, pompous and would never be able to handle being wrong.


It is normal to be in the wrong. Your friend or your partner is not expecting someone perfect but someone considerate. Being considerate means you say sorry when you know you are wrong and try to make things right. You are not expected to start acting up after your flaws were pointed out to you and you have said sorry. If you won’t say sorry, then don’t say it but saying it when you don’t really mean it is an insult to the person’s intelligence; thinking the person won’t be able to tell the difference. Without genuine and remorseful sorry, then sorry will always come out wrong.

I am not the type that likes hearing sorry repeatedly and that is if your first sorry is genuine in the first place and trust me, I know how to tell the difference. I am a sensitive person; in fact, I am super sensitive. But there are some scenarios where you have to tell your friends or partner sorry repeatedly depending on the gravity of the offence. That extra mile always means a lot to let the person you have offended to know you are truly sorry and you want to make it right. Often times, people that fail to tell others sorry, or say it genuinely, or say it repeatedly are the ones that would always want to hear sorry and yet they can’t give it.

…to be continued…

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

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Making mistakes is a human nature, but accepting mistakes confronts God. Speaking soft should not be in formalism but should be completely motivated by regrets.
It is not that the person's expressive expression of expression is that he is really embarrassed for his actions or is just sorry to keep his mind. Speaking softly with the heart, circumstances do not seem too long to be normal .
Where there are relationships, it is natural to have a situation of conflicts and mistakes. If we have not intentionally made a mistake, then share the mistakes with each other so that the misunderstanding can be corrected.
Thank you friend @olawalium

It is natural to make mistakes and to hurt others, whether intentional or not but often times a lot of people would want it to be swept under the rug while when you hurt them, they will not want the same to be done to them. What a bad way to act.

We need to understand mistakes are part of life and apology should be done. We need to cut our ego rather than the relationship.

Thanks, my friend.

I will like to start with this saying, actions speak louder than words. Some would say sorry as if they were being forced. After they have wrong someone. There is no way we could avoid quarreling even mouth and tongue fight sometimes, and we all know how cordial the two are. But the ability to make a redress once you have wrong another is the maturity that we must play at all time. Just like in life, we make mistakes and learn from it if we are too fall forward. Thanks always for this motivation piece .

I am glad you enjoyed it and yes, I have issues with people who apologize just for the same of "peace". You need to apologize because you understand that you have done wrong because only when you apologize for knowing you were wrong can you become a better person. Most people say they are sorry half-heartedly and still act as if they were done a grave injustice.

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