in #apollox6 years ago (edited)



The internet opened the door of opportunities so wide and unleashed a whole of potentials, rewriting impossibilities and making room for innovations. One of these innovations happened to be the e commerce industry. The e commerce refined the traditional shopping method and brought convenience to customers who can easily shop from home by violating the limitation caused by physical location or hours of operation. The e commerce development however caused the emergence of online shops in order to meet the high demand of customers. Meanwhile, the e commerce industry is plagued with plenty of challenges that have caused a huge drawback in the industry. These challenges however ranges from dishonesty in the path of the sellers to selling of damaged products to the buyers. Due to the fact that the buyers are not given the privilege to have a physical contact with the products before purchase, some sellers tend to distribute poor quality products in order to make more profit.
However, the two e commerce giants which is Amazon and eBay have not made it easy for the smaller e commerce shops as they use their established power to impose a high percentage of service fee on their services. These challenges however attracted the attention of a group of veteran technologists which what gave birth to the ApolloX project.


The ApolloX project is a platform aimed at decentralising the e commerce industry. Being the first blockchain solution for online e commerce, the platform proposes to resolve the underlying issues plaguing the e commerce industry. The ApolloX platform intends to build a large capacity of participants in order to enable sellers gain exposure and meet more customers. The platform however eliminates the centralised nature of the existing e commerce platforms by decentralising the platform and eradicating the challenges that accompany centralisation. Intermediaries that charge huge percentages to sellers in order to list their goods are eliminated, making goods cheaper. This is benefited by both the buyers and sellers and will cause a sharp migration of business owners to the ApolloX platform.



The ApolloX foundation has an existing infrastructural base, and a very large existing participants. This means that sellers are saved from the headache of trying to set up a website or establish a large audience for themselves. The ApolloX platform is decentralised which makes it accessible and user friendly to various countries. This however benefits sellers who crave for cross border trading. It also implies that sellers do not need to bother themselves with the issue of business license or indigenous intermediaries.



Use Case One: The Case of a Consumer

Johnson is an undergraduate. He enjoys acquiring new gadgets and quality products online. Johnson stumbled across a new e commerce website with the specialty of cool gadgets and different gadget accessories. After much examination of the platform, he discovers that the platform is supported by ApolloX and that boosted his trust for the platform. He created an account and submitted his personal details with his social media account and last three years purchase which is aimed at helping to make a better recommendation of for him in order to have a good shopping experience subsequently. To his amazement, he was rewarded with 10 tokens for sharing his data. Johnson bought a phone and a headset and it was a very easy and convenient process. He however chose to use 5 tokens in return for a 5% discount coupon during checkout. A three day delivery period was promised by the seller and a late fee charge also. Johnson enjoyed the whole experience and shared the platform to his friends and class mates and whenever someone joins the platform through Johnson, he gets rewarded.

Use Case Two: The Case of a Seller

Mr. Greg is an e commerce seller. With the good news he has been hearing about the ApolloX, chose to open a store with the blockchain platform. Mr. Greg receives 100 tokens from the ApolloX platform because a new product she uploaded days back has been trending and users are impressed. The platform however recommends the product. Mr. Greg however expresses his dedication by processing new orders and customer disputes as quickly as possible, sorted sold items, packaged them and inscribed tracking numbers on them all. The products were delivered to the customers in three days and they expressed their satisfaction.

User Case Three: The Case of a Community Member

Loveth, a part-time nanny enjoys spending her free time in the ApolloX e commerce blockchain community. The decentralisation of e commerce has been a good decision for her from the onset. She shared the good news and was rewarded for it. Loveth however applied for the position of a customer mediator in the ApolloX community. Whenever she is off duty, she enters the community and helps buyers and sellers to sort out their challenges. Loveth is however rewarded whenever she successfully handles any dispute.


The ApolloX platform aims at bringing consensus in the e commerce industry by eradicating the challenges and issues that accompany centralised system through a decentralised platform that proposes to bring ease, convenience, customer reassurance, and cross border trade in the e commerce industry. This is the first of its kind and will no doubt boost the digital economy and promote the sluggish advancement of digital trading.





ApolloX Official Website
ApolloX Whitepaper

All images credited to ApolloX Official Website

Writer: prinxeton
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