Season 1 in Apex legends

in #apex6 years ago

In wenigen Tagen beginnt die erste Season in Apex legends, obowhl Apex Legends erst ein Monat als ist.

apex-screenshot-bloodhound-raven.jpg.adapt.crop16x9.818p (1).jpg
Quelle: EA | Apex Legends

Bereits 50 Milliomen SPiele spielen Apex Legends. Und so lange ist es noch gar nicht auf dem Markt. Das Battle Royale game existiert erst seit einem Monat. Natürlich ist der Battle Royale shooter noch nicht fertig entwicklet, Apex Legends hat noch viele Ideen und vorschläge was in den Shooter eingebracht werden soll. In Kürze beginnt die erste Season ders Games. Es wurde bereits ein Battle Pass avon den Entwicklern angekündigt. Zudem versprachen die Entwickler in einer Roadmap das es weitere Waffen und Legenden geben soll.


In a few days, the first season in Apex begins legends, although Apex Legends is only a month away.

apex-screenshot-bloodhound-raven.jpg.adapt.crop16x9.818p (1).jpg
Source: EA | Apex Legends

Apex Legends already play 50 million games. And so long it is not yet on the market. The Battle Royale game has only been around for a month. Of course the Battle Royale shooter is not finished yet, Apex Legends still has a lot of ideas and suggestions for what to get into the shooter. Soon the first season of ders Games will start. A Battle Pass has already been announced by the developers. In addition, the developers promised in a roadmap that there should be more weapons and legends.


I just really hope the price won't be like 25$. Most season passes are like 10$, but we are talking about EA here. (Anyway, maybe they do not have a too big influence on Respawn's pricing policy)

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