7 Steps to Follow if You're Anxious

in #anxiety2 years ago

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Even though anxiety might be a terrible thing to have to deal with, there are techniques to lessen it so that you can live a happy life. Anxiety is pretty typical. It may feel like you're going to suffocate right now, but that feeling will pass. Use these methods to reduce anxiety right away, and you'll see a quick improvement in your mental well-being. When we came up with these ideas, you were taken into account.

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1 - Look after yourself

Sometimes, when you have worried thoughts, it might be simple to grab for unhealthy foods in an effort to feel better, but doing so will just make the anxiety worse. If you frequently overindulge in comfort food or alcohol to cope with your anxiety, stop and replace these bad habits with better ones.

Overindulging in unhealthy foods and alcohol is not only terrible for you, but it can also make you feel more anxious. Unknowingly, "treating" yourself to make yourself "feel better" can encourage your anxiousness because your mind knows it will love what comes next.

Both your body and mind can benefit greatly from a healthy diet and frequent exercise. In the long term, you'll feel better thanks to these positive practices. It ultimately comes down to replacing your poor habits—and we all have them—with positive ones.

2. Maintain a journal

Overthinking and anxiousness sometimes go hand in hand, but it won't help you if you are continuously going over things in your head. One of the best methods for assisting you in overcoming rumination and overthinking is journaling. These ideas require a destination.

In fact, keeping a journal can be really helpful if you have a lot to express. Keeping a diary that you spend as little as 10 minutes writing in every day can have such a good impact on your life, whether it's as basic as writing about your mood, your day, or your anxieties.

When you write something down with a flow of thinking, you may even learn things that you weren't even aware were bothering you or on your mind.

3. Adopt a positive outlook and cultivate gratitude

People who struggle with anxiety frequently become mired in a pessimistic worldview that can be very challenging to escape. That is crucial that you begin to see things differently, although it is obviously easier said than done. Practicing thankfulness is a great approach to start your journey toward shifting your perspective.

You can list one thing each day for which you are grateful in a journal, or even better, you can speak it aloud as an affirmation in front of the mirror. You need to come up with something every day, even if it's only something as straightforward as your daily cup of coffee.

4 - Face the Problems

Your anxiety may be quite general or it may be focused on a specific issue. Many individuals with the disease instinctively desire to flee from their issues, but guess what?

That will only exacerbate your worrying thoughts! You might be worried about your job or your studies; pay attention to these. Perhaps some difficult conversations and even harder decisions need to be taken if your relationship or friendship is the source of your uneasiness.

Naturally, none of this will be simple, but go deep within to identify your own problems and attempt to address them as you are aware you must.

5 - Find a pastime that brings you joy.

Keeping yourself occupied with something you enjoy is essential if you want to start enjoying life again because it's possible that you spend a lot of time in your head.

You may already have a pastime, but if not, look for something you really enjoy doing and concentrate on finding motivation there. Running, dancing, writing, playing video games, traveling, taking photographs, or enrolling in a class to learn something new are just a few examples. Your mood is immediately improved when you engage in enjoyable activities, and you need that right now.

Finding a hobby you are truly enthusiastic about and taking up new hobbies are both beneficial for your mental health in general and for lowering anxiety.

6 - Get a stress action plan.

When anxiety starts to occur frequently in your life, having an anxiety action plan is crucial. If you don't have the necessary tools to handle anxiety when it strikes, it will just make your stress and anxiety worse.

The finest thing you can do for yourself is take charge.

With the help of an ebook and workbook, the Anxiety Action Plan is a fantastic tool to use as you follow the step-by-step approach. Instead of worrying about having another anxiety episode, you should be content.

7 - Speak with someone

It is crucial that you stop letting your worried thoughts consume you because doing so usually makes anxiety worse. Even though it's not always simple, it's crucial that you express your problems.

Discuss your nervousness with friends or family members you can rely on to support you.

Having a dependable professional therapist or counselor has proven to be quite beneficial for many people who are experiencing anxiety. If you're too busy to leave work or drive to appointments, there are various options, including online professionals.


Regardless of how long you have experienced anxiety, there is always hope. Searching for solutions is already moving you in the right path because trying to ignore worry and the disturbance it produces in your life usually makes things worse. It can be difficult, but it's important to put in the effort and develop coping mechanisms for worry. Utilizing the advice in this article will be helpful, and it's always in your best interest to stay informed.


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