Meet the ant, photo, information, nesting, feeding, classification, colonies, breeding, habitat

in #ants8 years ago

                                    SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATION:

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Insecta

Super-order: Endopterygota

Order: Hymenoptera

Family: Formicidae


- The queen ant is responsible for the reproduction function of the colony. The queen can live for up to 18 years.


- Ants are insects that smell things through their antennae.


- In an anthill there is total organization, and the tasks are well divided among the ants.


- Feed mainly on seeds and vegetable remains.


- Communicate with each other through the release of feronomas (chemical compounds).


- Some ants can sting and pass a type of acid that can irritate the victim.         - Besides the queen, in an anthill there are the sentinels (security), workers (they make the tunnels of the anthill and search for food) and the nurses (they take care of the larvae).


- The mating of the queen ant takes place on a nuptial flight. After fertilization the male dies and the queen loses its wings before laying the eggs.




Length: on average 1 cm

Color: depends on the species, but most are red or black

Number of species: more than 10,000 species cataloged                                                                                                                                Ant-washer      The term ant-footwash, or simply footwash, is the common name for several species of ants, especially those of the genus Solenopsis, small, usually reddish, whose sting is painful. These ants build large anthills that are characterized by the heaping of fine particles of earth at the entrance. They are also known by the names firecrackers, fire ant, cemetery ant, dead ant, fire ant, hot ant, sweet ant, footworm, ant-malagueta, ant- Red, itaciba, jequitaia, jiquitaia, lava-foot, mordderira, mossoró, burning-firing, pititinga, pixixica, taciba, taçuíra, taviriri, taçuva and uaiatu.

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