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RE: Are you an Anti-Socialist?

in #antisocial6 years ago

We are never really given a chance to choose from. I think that what we have Now is not working, whether it is socialism or capitalism, both systems are equally flawed and will never work for the common people. I think we do not need the government to police us around. I am for Freedom, for a REAL FREEDOM and if that is an ANARCHY then I am for it. This is just my opinion. So, where do i fit in? I do not think i fit in.
as far as the hand, I think upwards pointing to the heavens? many hands, I am confused, lol


You definitely 'fit in', just not with the dupes.

Welcome to our club!

thank you...makes me feel good to know i fit in somewhere. I think that THEY come up with all these labels so we somehow identify with something, loose our freedom and worship their gods.

It's all about deceiving the dupes to keep them in the mines and on the plantation.
We don't buy or sell slaves, anymore, we rent them.

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