
Same! Im kinda worried that perhaps this is the opposite of antifa movement. I seen some possible militant posts i think. I only breezed over some posts quickly.

some possible militant posts i think

I should hope, many of us are militant.
Just because some others of us are petunias, doesn't mean we should be forced to be petunias, too.

The folks lashing out are the ones that feel the most pain about the petunias not being allowed to flourish uncoerced.

The ones embracing the enslavement of their minds are the problem, not the bomb tossers.
If freedom is your goal.

I understand what you mean, however, we can not use force against a well oiled machine that we the people have allowed to get so powerful. At the moment agression would be an absolute death warrant and solves nothing. We do need huge masses on capital hill and then on to various important places in every state on a continuos basis.i believe an effort that is second to none as what is done during voting cycles. Cold calling to get the word out. Setting dates and times and what not for large amounts of people to meet to create an undeniable buzz and in a perfect world begin opening and waking thousands of minds on a daily basis until the efforts yield a respectable response. I would hope we can organize something like this and that it should be relatively simple. We just need the bodies to do this. Ive never been part of such a campaign as im not political as such, but i dont understand why this has not become a part of this freedom movement. We must get info out on every level as they do during campaigns. Phones, mailers, surveys at the mall, ads in papers and so on. They do this with centralized offices working together for one cause. Eventually and rather quickly efforts made on this scale will be unavoidable and the media wont be able to ignore us. Then they will begin getting people on the news from the cause. Once that happens there is no stopping freedom. If done right we can see the change with not one shot fired. I would be happy to do all these that i have mentioned. With that being said i am not a leader. I am a worker bee. I am sure there is money available to form this as i see tens of thousands of dollars being offered up consistently. We just need the organization to create this serious effort and then the workers such as i will follow the orders given for each specific job given. Thoughts?

we can not use force

We don't want to have to defend ourselves, either.
Comply or die rule by force is not freedom, if you haven't figured that out for yourself, yet.

that we the people have allowed to get so powerful.

The folks that let the federal reserve get established are mostly all dead.

We do need huge masses on capital hill

No, we need folks to move on like those people don't exist.
'Capitol hill' only has the power we let them have.
We get as much tyranny as we tolerate.

voting cycles.

'If voting changed anything they would make it illegal'. Emma Goldman 1902

If done right we can see the change with not one shot fired.

Nope, the first shots have already been fired, many years ago.


Rise up while you still can.

I am not on the same level as you. Your response is not encouraging. To my knowledge all that i wrote has never been tried. People say they want change yet they arent willing to step up and put a serious effort into it. Im only saying to do what the known government does in order to spark change. The pen has always been mightier than a sword. Sadly the sword is still needed at times. The way you respinded doesnt really capture my words. You kinda skipped over my intent on real organization. You assume there is only violence needed or to simply ignore the government. If a lion is attacking you you dont just ignore it. If you ignore it it will kill you every time. Violence makes no difference to the lion. You hit and kick with all your might, but eventually it will kill you. If you take many of your own kind into a field with lions and everyone makes themselves known and they all do their various jobs then the lions can be overcome quickly and effectively.

Yes, so I am gathering lions hoping to take down the humans, because they suck, frankly.

We each have to decide for ourselves,..

If I put a couple 10mm into a lion's head, it won't care about violence, it wont have any cares at all.

But if I take a group of people and we all make ourselves known, the lions will pick off the weak and the outliers. Cause thats what they do, they're lions.

Yes, violence is an immediately effective means to and end, but in the long term, if you are trying to control a group, eventually the group gets tired of being bullied and watching it's young used as prey.
If they are human.

I'd be mad at humans if I was a lion, or a bear.
Not much I could do about it on the grand scale, but I could mess up some individuals.
I should get on tv and make some tear jerking commercials,...

The key to winning any war is both violence and assimilation. Once conquered you need to make your enemies into your people.

the reaction to the antifa should not be to copy them on the opposite site of the political spectrum. The answer to authoritarianism is simply freedom.

Absolutely, @fredem3dot0.

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.

Ok so i think its obvious you all are toying with me. You know what i mean, but the sarcasm is hard to set aside and avoid. Im simply saying monkey see monkey do. If what i explained works for them then how could it not work for us?! Yet we dont, aside from small venue gatherings, do what they do. If what they do is what they understand then that is the approach we should take right? Guns are valuable for hunting and for protection. I dont believe they should be used to attack.

I don't recall anything militant or off putting, I am just not sure what they are.

You will find militant, but off putting is a personal decision.

We are welcoming, to any peaceful folks, especially dissenters.
We seek your input.

Well, ok, do you need to be?

Need? Well, I certainly prefer to know whats going on.

Can't tell ya what I don't know.
What are you up to?

Fair enough.
Not much, just finished watching Smackdown and writing a post. You?

Just catching up with my steemvoter votes.
@tyrannyunmasked right now.

Oh? Care to tell me which the best ones are?

Who knows, it all has a viewpoint.

If you want to see which ones I support, for now, you can look an steemd for freebornangel and freebornsociety

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