Gilad Atzmon tells us Corbyn is Christ, spends all credibility.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #antisemitism7 years ago (edited)

Gilad Atzmon criticises Israel, criticises Jewish power and says a lot of correct things about what he calls our "Jewish occupation". In doing so he has attracted lots of harsh criticism from Jews. Gilad Atzmon's playing a funny game, and i think that game's up as far as i'm concerned. I have appreciated many things that he has said, although now i suspect his motivation for this truth-telling was not honourable. There have been a couple of things which made me unsure about him, for instance his cowardly flip-flop stance on Holocaust truth, his needlessly convoluted and confusing long lecture on identity politics, available on youtube, and his regular making light of the darkest issues which face us today. By this new article of his, comparing Jeremy Corbyn to Jesus Christ and calling him "the nicest guy in the world of politics", now i'm quite convinced.

Explicitly communist "radical" Jewish group Jewdas (who list Trotsky, Marx, Adorno and Marcuse among their heroes) are supporting Corbyn flat out, without hesitation, without condition, which means that they know he is their man. They don't just think he might be good for them. They KNOW he is their man. Jewdas have a large following, and now they have hit the mainstream after Corbyn's well publicised meeting with them. The support of Jewdas implicates Corbyn, and the support of Corbyn implicates Atzmon.

Although Atzmon and Jewdas are apparently in conflict with each other, they are unanimous in their supportive propaganda regarding Corbyn. I suggest that Atzmon is just another Jewish supremacist on a mission. We are looking at deception many layers deep and even those who seem to be singing the right song might be doing so for all the wrong reasons, as i suggest is the case with Atzmon. I believe he is an asset; currently there to do the same as Jewdas - promote Jeremy Corbyn - using his musical platform and his public profile. He is far more credible than Jewdas for many - especially Gentile - people, so his support for Corbyn will be taken seriously by the better-researched amongst us "goyim".

corbyn+chirst+.jpg(Image from Atzmon's article.)

He published 2 articles yesterday alone:

  1. - Jewdas according to Jewdas, and

  2. - Jeremy Jesus-Christ Corbyn

jewdas+2.jpg(Image from Atzmon's article.)

The first of which criticised Jewdas, the group which recently had Corbyn round for Passover, which has publicly protested against Atzmon and publicly accused him of anti-Semitism. For Atzmon, having a Jewish group like Jewdas protest against his music gig is a good chance to play the victim and get some credibility from his mostly Gentile audience. I wouldn't be surprised if both parties were in on it. I also wouldn't be surprised if there was Christian blood in the Passover bread, such is an ancient Jewish tradition.

A mutually beneficial publicity stunt?

Support+Gilad.jpg(Image from Atzmon's website.)

The second of which might have well been written by Jewdas themselves! It outrageously and offensively likens Jeremy Corbyn to Jesus Christ. It seems that even "anti-Semitic" Jews still like to drag Jesus's name through the mud whenever they get the opportunity. This article is embarrassing and should stand out as completely inconsistent for a well-researched truther and academic to write.

"The opposition leader is basically a Christ figure. Being the nicest guy in the world of politics, he manages to expose the tribal bullies. Corbyn’s secret weapon is kindness. Time after time when he is viciously attacked by Jewish groups such as the CAA, the JLC or the BOD the Labour leader reacts in a soothing voice, half smiling as he accepts the criticism, apologises on behalf of his party and vows to appease his Jewish critics.

"For those who still fail to understand, Corbyn does as Christ instructed, and turns the other cheek. And like their Biblical forebears , those who claim to represent British Jewry fail to read the map. Instead of backing down in the face of acquiescence, they provide the Brits with a spectacle of venom. Rather than shaking Corbyn’s hand and seeking peace and harmony, they unabashedly punch the other cheek.


"For some reason that is beyond me, the British Zionist Lobby decided to launch its recent slander campaign against Corbyn on Good Friday. Corbyn for his part, went along with their plans and celebrated the Passover Dinner with a group that sound like Judas (Jewdas). By now the Brits are unable to tell whether the acronym JC refers to Jeremy Corbyn or Jesus Christ. So here is my advice to the nagging Zionist lobby. If you decide to destroy a Jesus type figure for attending a Passover dinner, don’t be surprised if he is resurrected by the following Sunday."

Atzmon is working to get Corbyn in, who will continue white genocide and guide us towards a one world government, likely after another Rothschild asset, Jacob Rees-Mogg, has been used to stir up a frenzy of hate which will be aimed at white British people, especially those selfish white British people who don't want the UK turning into an Islamic country. I don't think Gilad Atzmon is stupid, which is why i now have only one conclusion: that he is an asset of the international Jewry. He might have been saying some "unpopular" things (as far as a lot of Jews are concerned), but he's no ordinary Jew if he's been assigned this mission. The Jewry knows how to play the game, how to create the opposition to whatever mainstream Jewish agenda to guarantee complete control of the dialogue, and how to capture the entire audience whatever their level of ignorance, exactly how Atzmon has described in his own lectures. He was describing himself. Atzmon is basically an Israeli drone operating in Europe, designed and manufactured in Israel, and his mission is to gain trust and then abuse it, with the overall objective is a Bolshevik-style "revolution" here, and for people who know their history, this should be a terrifying prospect.

The Jewish Bolshevik revolution in Russia.

Atzmon's talk on the Balfour declaration, speaking about Jewish satellites (himself?).

Thanks for reading.

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