Recording A Psychiatrist #flushyourmeds

Recording A Psychiatrist #flushyourmeds ... ;
This is a Recording of a Quack Fraud Pseudoscience Scam Psychiatrist who thinks
he is a Real Doctor and not a Quack who literally does nothing for people :
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Welcome.
Me (Scott Barry) : Misdirection.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : So Welcome we're here in our first couple weeks here.
Me (Scott Barry) : Yeah.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Okay so now it looks like we'll be here for the next
coming few years. They're gonna fix up the enterance at the end of this hallway here.
It will be easier to get in. Rather than having to call and be escorted and all of
that stuff. They're saying that should happen in the next year or so.
Me (Scott Barry) : Okay.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Yeah. Just to make it more convenient for you.
So you and I last spoke before Chistmas, How did the Holiday go for you?
Me (Scott Barry) : It's hard to remember, a lot has happened.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Yeah. Is that so. Okay. Yeah.
Me (Scott Barry) : Yeah we had like a stanger at our door, it was a lost missing
teenager, he was in our house, we had to monitor him and make sure he wouldn't
steal anything, and then the cops finally picked him up, cause he was like yeah,
So a lot has happened.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : So what was he just wondering or what was he doing?
Me (Scott Barry) : NO, His friends were probably doing drugs or up to no good,
and he said his parents were 20 miles away, so we, we thought he was high on
something, we just took him to the cops and the cops took care of it.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Whell, that was nice of you to take him in at all.
Folks would just say, keep moving down the road.
Me (Scott Barry) : Yeah, we don't know the situation, we don't know if he is lying
we don't know anything.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : So did that happen around Christmas Time?
Me (Scott Barry) : Whell, just recently actually, there's a lot things that can just uh,
then they asked if so and so was here, but it was actually the neighbors, and then we
had another thing delivered to our house about child support, and it was actually the
neighbors address, so we delivered it to their address.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Yeah, so you need a Nice Real Big House Number,
by the street for your house.
Me (Scott Barry) : {Laugh} , I Guess.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : We also get wrong mail.
Me (Scott Barry) : Yeah, it does happen.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Somebody actually come up to your door, and you're letting him
into the house.
Me (Scott Barry) : That's risky, because you gotta look after him, make sure he doesn't steal
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Whos decision was that? Your mother or your father?
Me (Scott Barry) : My mother accidently did that, My dad was saying NO, I don't trust him,
because he could steal your wallet our your purse or something.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Whell, I don't let people in anymore.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : When you and I were younger, Salesmen would actually come in
the door, but not anymore.
Me (Scott Barry) : It is more Dangerous Now.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : So, eh, uh, of course before COVID-19 floks would come up from
the different churches, different kinds of things would come, WOW, that is pretty good.
So live and learn. So I bet you she'll do it different next time.
Me (Scott Barry) : Yeah, she knows better not to risk it.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : She probably had a tight stomache herself over that.
Me (Scott Barry) : Yeah.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Is Christmas or New Years necessarily a big deal at your house?
Me (Scott Barry) : We used to kind of have Christmas Trees and the usual things, commercialism,
you know, the thing.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Yeah. And that's changed as you've.
Me (Scott Barry) : Yeah. Yeah.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : You're the youngest one in the house right?
Me (Scott Barry) : My brother is 18 Months older than me. So we're about the
same age.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Yeah. So they're definately not gonna treat like a little
kids thing anymore.
Me (Scott Barry) : Yeah.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Do you necessarily stay up late on New Years Eve?
Me (Scott Barry) : I have different hours, so I might just go to bed early, I don't Know.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Is it different hours from night to night?
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Different Hours from the General Public, is that what you mean?
Me (Scott Barry) : Depends on what I am doing as an occupation. If I have to do a Job Tommorow
I have to go to bed early right.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : When you're saying Job you say you're working for your father?
Me (Scott Barry) : Yeah, I calibrate/repair like Audiometers/Tympanometers, yeah, uh same thing.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : So. Um. Let's see. We are uh. Wanting to understand what kind of
Medications you are taking, So I think you're taking Depakote, in the moring.
Me (Scott Barry) : YES.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : That would probably be Four of the Five Hundred Miligrams. On
the other hand the Olanzapine (Zyprexa), that is at bed time.
Me (Scott Barry) : Yeah. The Zyprex is the Low Dose.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : About Five Miligrams of Zyprexa.
Me (Scott Barry) : Yes, that is correct.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : It is a low dose.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Since I saw you, have you been taking the Lorazepam or Ativan?
Me (Scott Barry) : Um. I felt I did not need it. I just stick to supplements, something else I'll just
take like, um Lemongrass. Or some other Supplement. Whell Lemongrass is only Ten Dollars on Amazon.
It is like a Cheap Herbal Supplement.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : So. How do you use it? Is it in a Capsule or?
Me (Scott Barry) : It is just a Capusle. It is real easy, you just take one. Some people will risk
Cayan Pepper and other things.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Yes.
Me (Scott Barry) : Those are a little bit riskier. But. You Know.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Yeah. I have eaten both of them, of course I have had Lemongrass Tea
before, and Cayan most certainly.
Me (Scott Barry) : Yeah, It will Burn.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Yeah, it get's my attention, most certainly.
Me (Scott Barry) : It is like Coffee.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : That would be a good way to think of it.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : So is there a tangible sense of relaxation with Lemongrass?
Me (Scott Barry) : It just has citrus and citrus is supposed to be an Anti Cancer thing.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : I can believe it can be helpful. Nothing is Free. That is for sure.
Me (Scott Barry) : Big Pharma is expensive. You are spending thousands of dollars on. Plus insurance is
the only thing that makes it tangible.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : We are coming up on a time where it would be good for you to get blood drawn again.
Me (Scott Barry) : Yeah, that that's, uh.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : That is why I printed out your lab slips here. Where do you go when you get your
blood drawn?
Me (Scott Barry) : Um. The Lab Corp over near the FedEx. Whell, there's like a dead end turn and it is the
Hawk's Prarie Branch. It's next to Mayan Mexican Resturaunt. Which is closed. Hawk's Prairie Branch DUH DUH ... ;
Der Der Der Hawk's Prairie Branch and you cannot miss it. I don't know all of them.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : By no means do you know all of them. If you take that paperwork with you they are
gonna take your Depakote levels, they will check your Metabolic Panel, Liver/Kidney Funcion.
Me (Scott Barry) : Yeah. I just got to tell them when I took the meds and all of that.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Yeah. So don't take your medication until after you get your blood drawn by low
end Liberal Communist Retard Incompetent Labcorp which is One Star on the BBB Website and see for yourself.
Me (Scott Barry) : So that is what I tell them. Always.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : This is one of those they will want you to go in without eating (fast lab).
Me (Scott Barry) : Yeah. Fasting Lab. Okay.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Good. Good.
Me (Scott Barry) : I can do this any Time of the Month.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Yeah. Yeah. At your Conveninece. Just some moring when you have time and
inclination to do it. To get over there, does either your mom or dad drive?
Me (Scott Barry) : My Dad can sometimes drive when he has Lab. I can go with my Dad.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Yeah. That would be great.
Me (Scott Barry) : I have done that sometimes and sometimes I go with my Mom. It depends.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Yeah, that would be the best thing if your Dad is going anyways.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : So you are working some. Do you actually get paid for what you do? Does he
cut you a check or what?
Me (Scott Barry) : Whell. I do other things for money, but it is not even much. My Ten Ninety Nine only says
Thirty Dollars.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Whell that was one thing I was worried about, so filing taxes.
Me (Scott Barry) : Whell. I never really had to owe any taxes, because I do not make that much.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : So um. Your income. You do not want too much, because that will mess up
your benefits.
Me (Scott Barry) : Whell. I've got Social Security.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : But you have got some room to move though.
Me (Scott Barry) : You have to be really frugal with it I guess.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : So Uh So that is. That is crazy that you do. You do get a Ten Ninety Nine?
Me (Scott Barry) : Yeah, it just has like Thirty Dollars or so. From Lulu Publishing or some other Publisher.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Cool.
Me (Scott Barry) : It is so easy to just embed the fonts of a PDF and publish it. Um Uh we had one of our
family members Caycey, he um, plagiarized John Travolta. Sold that in Books. Really dumb idea, but.
But he did that.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Uh Huh. Uh.
Me (Scott Barry) : So anybody can publish a book through a self publisher.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Oh. It is just amazing. But you know you do not get paid unless people
buy it.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : So Uh, Good for you. Yeah I know that you are creative and that you do
a lot of stuff.
Me (Scott Barry) : I have a lot of Manuscripts and I have a Website. Top level Domain. Um. I am using
Domain Dot Com for my Website. Registrar. For my Domain Name Registrar so.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Rather than um. Godaddy.
Me (Scott Barry) : I used to use Google Domains now I use Domain Dot Com.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : You like them better?
Me (Scott Barry) : You can bill yearly instead of monthly essentially.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Are you getting along with other folks in your home?
Me (Scott Barry) : I think I am able to get along as long as, what I sometimes to is I Stay in my own lane.
Or I do something else or I try to. That is one of my coping strategies.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : I like that one a lot. Yeah.
Me (Scott Barry) : Um. I have to realize that not everybody is always there. Some people they just might
say something. When they do not actually mean it. You know what I mean.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : In terms of Personaling or hurting your feelings. I have good words to live
by very much. I do like the "Stay in your own lane" statement. Some times people just gotta be you do you
got your opinions and what you are gonna do and I will just think the way I want to think.
So we want to get the blood work done and you filled up on medicaions. So I see that you are using the
Safeway on Martin and Marvin.
Me (Scott Barry) : Yeah. Uh. It is the same Safeway as last time.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : And. I just put in refills on Both The Depakote and The Zyprexa. On like
last Friday, I came in on and put in like a Years worth of refills. So if you go there and they say you
do not have any refills left, you got brand new perscriptions on both of those. So I just did that on
Friday. So your bottle might say Zero Refills on it. So if you look it up you might find a new number
and tell them Dr Stephen Lykins put in a new perscription refill on it. And then the plan is.
That you and I will speak again on June Thirteenth. Um. Yeah June Thirteenth at 12:30 so in the Afternoon.
Me (Scott Barry) : Yeah.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : So what will happen here is the ladies will walk you back out. They will
have to buzz you through a security door that any Retard with Flipper Zero can bypass and HACK.
They can give you a card with that appointment date on it. So some time between now and then go in and
get your Depakote levels drawn. Then I will see you in June.
Me (Scott Barry) : Okay.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Is that alright with you?
Me (Scott Barry) : YES.
Psychiatrist (Stephen Lykins) : Okay.

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