Anti-post for @sndbox weekly question: [What IS a Post?]

in #antipost6 years ago (edited)

Deconstructing Marx: Modernism in the works of Glass


If one examines patriarchialist nationalism, one is faced with a choice:
either reject Batailleist `powerful communication’ or conclude that sexual
identity, perhaps paradoxically, has intrinsic meaning, but only if Lyotard’s
critique of modernism is invalid. It could be said that the characteristic
theme of the works of Eco is the common ground between society and sexual
identity. Sartre uses the term ‘neotextual appropriation’ to denote a
conceptualist paradox.

The primary theme of von Ludwig’s[1] essay on Batailleist
`powerful communication’ is the paradigm, and some would say the economy, of
modern truth. But the precapitalist paradigm of reality holds that reality is
used to entrench colonialist perceptions of society. The main theme of the
works of Eco is the bridge between sexual identity and class.

Therefore, in Foucault’s Pendulum, Eco denies modernism;

in The Name of the Rose, however, he analyses patriarchialist rationalism. Any
number of discourses concerning patriarchialist nationalism may be found.

In a sense, the subject is interpolated into a Batailleist `powerful
communication’ that includes culture as a whole. Debord suggests the use of
modernism to attack class divisions.

Therefore, the subject is contextualised into a patriarchialist nationalism
that includes consciousness as a reality. Lacan uses the term ‘modernism’ to
denote a mythopoetical paradox.

  • ADDENDUM: I hope my antipost gives rise to discussion. What have I done, in the post, that is #antipost?
  • I will reveal it later in comments after some guessing.

I'm hoping others will have a guess at what is 'anti' here in my #antipost. Can you guess? I'll probably make another post (a real post) later about it, have fun! ;)

:D Glad you joined!

Very anti-posty of you:

  • Copy-pasted text
  • Broken off sentences
  • Unsourced images

In your case I would say this is also a post that is out of your usual approach even if it wasn't copy-pasted from somewhere: it has no personal input, you'd normally add a little insight in process or your life in a post :-)

I'm glad you're not a regular anti-poster! :D

There is even a bit more to the copy paste that I'll share once a few more people give a guess. ;)

Ah ! you did it :D it's great you joined too nice idea for copy paste hahha <3

Not just cut and paste, a bit more...I'll tell later.

I wanted to give it a few days to see if others would guess, but only one sort of came close I'm going to reveal the idea behind it today in my post most likely :)

I also wanted to see who would engage, but it's not a very exciting one I see, so not many takers :)

Ok, at a first glance, it's the trick with glass and class... No?

BTW, I can hardly understand a whole sentence in here. My brain needs a break 😥

IT isn't the glass, but the headache from the sentences are part of the 'anti' bit, you're the warmest so far in guessing :)

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