Antifa communists tried to kill me, you think the City Attorneys cared? this might shock you. .steemCreated with Sketch.

in #antifa7 years ago

Minority Report
“All are welcome will kill you”

Snow News is good news!

Antifa communists tried to kill me, you think the City Attorneys cared? this might shock you. .

Investigation Over:

To protect the US Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic?

"All are welcome", the signs say. Out of town college kids commute to "the city" to "show the fascists" a mind full of Fake News and Liberal Logic that oozed from their professor’s wasted thoughts. A mass of young people, although there were a lot of older people as well. I’ve noticed most of the leaders of these organizations to be mostly Jewish non-christians. These are the people that refer to themselves as Antifa or Communists(same thing).

Sergeant of Robbery/Homicide calls my phone one Monday and tells me there's "No Charges". I say, "holy sh-Crap, why?". Sergeant says, "well they said you shot first, and they are witnesses". I think, "what the heck?”. I say to the investigator, “But they were part of the mob that attempted to kill me?". Sergeant "Penemy", took the attackers account as witnesses. The attackers apparently told the investigator that "I shot first". This leads me to believe the officer had no idea how big or what type of group he was truly dealing with. These criminals lied and the officers believed it. So weird.

So many thoughts raced through my head as I rode my Harley to the Saint Paul Police Department to receive my "property". In my last article I discussed my attack at the "Anti Sharia" event. I'm basically healed up and as of yesterday, the investigation has been closed.

At the station, I finally see Sergeant face to face. He informs me of the procedures to get my gun/property back. I ask him, "if I shot first, do you honestly think I'd be stabbed and skull fractured?". He says "witnesses say you shot first". But confused I reply, "but I was stabbed and hit in head, even if I did shoot first wouldn't it be justified?". He answers, "District Attorney and City Attorneys decided not to press charges. I don't know, you should feel satisfied, you should feel lucky that you weren't charged. Attorneys ruled BOTH SIDE AS SELF DEFENSE".

Sergeant slides me a pass to property room, I take the elevator downstairs. I slide my ID and blue pass to the clerk and wait for my property. Clerk comes back with 10 paper bags. They release my stiff clothes, soaked with dried blood complete with the stab slice in the center of my chest. My black leather chucks and gun permit. I lost the last sunglasses my dad ever had, probably fell off after getting nailed from behind with a pipe. I also never recieved the knife my dad gave me(kids named it "Mr Stabby") or my Cross Breed gun holster.

92º on a July 17th afternoon, road construction in Twin Cities has a funny way of making one think. And as I sit on a hot Harley Davidson weaving through clogged traffic. I kept running the sergeants words through my head. "You should feel lucky", "you should feel satisfied....". It completely infuriated me. I couldn't believe the Police wouldn't charge someone that stabbed me and fractured my skull because I returned gun fire(after the attackers started shooting at me first!). I JUST CAN'T believe it. How can an 'investigator' NOT know that I was attacked by a mob? He took individuals that were part of the mob as "witnesses". I could easily prove his witnesses are unreliable. All someone has to do is watch this video:

I didn't shoot first because I thought all they did was punch me. I laughed. But when they rushed me again I lifted my shirt to show the weapon. Then they immediately started shooting.

My theory is either they are protected by Soros groups or the old investigator has no clue how to operate the internet. These people are terrorists. McCarthy was right.

But all I read from KSTP was "man was shot, Capitol police haven't released victims identity". Thats all there was. If I would have been killed, I doubt anyone would have been charged with murder. I would have been just another victim of "street crime". Readers would have thought it was just another gang fight or drunk quarrel. International Communist Organization or Antifa would not be held responsible and I would be gone.

But YOU ANTIFA FAKE THUGS FAILED. Now that even justice has failed, I have no choice but to speak out. This is only the beginning. Even though I have my plate full with projects, work and other lofty goals, this all falls in.

I was immediately treated as a suspect instead of a victim. My gun has not been released. I have to fill out a form and hope it’s released soon.

I started as an audio engineer. I'd mix for International artists and help some of the city's elite. I'm friends with Mpls artists from bands like; Morris Day and the Time, Prince, etc…. and have learned a lot from them. Being a white dude surrounded in a generally black "funk" culture had a big effect on me. I was always "the minority". I had a death, my business partner Courtney James Givens. That dude was my brother. We started with him producing and me engineering. We made a name for ourselves in the local Hip Hop scene. We did shows at Bunkers and various other clubs and open mic's. He died in a car crash right before we really got "our stuff together". Our future was very promising.

Jackie Robinson, my mentor, died right when I was starting to do huge things. Jackie Robinson was one of those people that didn’t act like normal people. He was the mover and shaker behind the Minneapolis funk. He would pay people, even if they did a horrible job. Just so he'd never have to see them again. He taught me so much. He would line me up with artists from around the country and guide me. He saw my drive. He was the only one that vouched for me. When he died, I lost a lot.

It took me around ten years to get over this. I’ve never been racist. But being attacked for being a “white, racist, nazi” is something I never thought would happen. These out of town college kids think it’s okay to attack white, christian males. And apparently the police agree. I HATE ST PAUL NOW. There’s nothing wrong with me being proud of being a white, christian male. And I will always defend myself. But just remember the police have let these people back out on the street. So never go to these events alone like I did. Having a gun saved my life that day.

White Pride is not a crime, nor is it racist, neither am I.

Photo on 7-7-17 at 12.19 AM.jpg

Pictured with daughter, stab wound visible. “A reminder of the irony that people with “all are welcome” signs almost killed me”

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