A Fun Way To Destroy Antifa

in #antifa7 years ago

Think Antifa is out of control? Want to get rid of them? This simple solution could have Antifa disappear quickly.

Step 1.
Everyone attending the freespeech rallys should dress like antifa. black and red with a bandana over their face.

Step 2.
Arrive at the designated meet up point for antifas counter "protest" in groupes of 3 or more and mingle acting like a commie bottom feeder.

Step 3.
After meeting a couple people that might be real Antifa members start pointing out new people showing up alone as someone you seen on youtube videos and they are a Nazi or a fascist or alt right racist ect.

Step 4.
Sit back and watch Antifa beat up their own supporters all the while calling everyone fighting a fascist.

Step 5.
Walk to the free speech rally and hold it as planned still wearing Commie Ninja Costumes.

Step 6.
Post videos online of the stupid shit the antifa commies say.

Step 7.


By simply telling the "white punks" that Mommy + Daddy won't pay their phone bill if they are naughty works pretty good too !

Gotta get them masks off to make that work though.

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