GOP Congressmen Shot in Alexandria, VA - Communist Hate Thriving Worldwide

in #antifa7 years ago (edited)

** UPDATE** Additional Investigation as published by SGT Report can be found HERE:

However, I believe my article and its conclusions are still relevant.


How is it that the political faction who would like to outlaw gun possession uses firearms to kill political opponents?

Use the Sword and Die by the Sword.

The shooter was brought down by 2 brave armed police, who defended dozens of defenseless GOP members. THAT's why we have the 2nd Amendment. For the protection of lives. For the safety of our children. For the development and thriving of a polite society.

The Lenin/Stalin/Mao Era

Western schools and universities have been transformed into indoctrination centers teaching Cultural Marxism religion, praising the Hammer and Sickle ideology of death, following the evil of Alinsky and his terror ilk. Under communism, more than 300 Million people were murdered for their believes, for simply not subscribing to the religion of Marx, Engels and Lenin.


The amount of grief, injury, poverty and death that have been perpetuated on innocent people gives, in my view, cause to outlaw Communism, its teachings, teachers and practitioners. Yet, a vast majority of school teachers and university professors are outspoken proponents of the Utopia that is communism. Some are actively organizing violent confrontations.

North Korea and Venezuela

How well socialism and communism fair is easy determined. A gaze at North Kora (Communism) and Venezuela (Socialism) shows the chilling reality of an oppressed people, robbed of their liberty, freedom, wealth and their right to pursue happiness.

North Korean Communism In Action


Template for Collapse! Food Riots In Venezuela People Hunt Dogs


Antifa and Related Groups


How is it then that an openly anti-Constitutional, unlawful group of people are free to spew their hate and violence in the United States of America. Opinions and mob rule are irrelevant. The Constitution of the US is the supreme law of the land. Our President and federal employees swear allegiance not to a person or group of people. They swear to uphold the Constitution and defend her against enemies, foreign and domestic. It seems to me that the domestic enemy is free to undermine our Constitutional Republic with impunity.

Lawful Action - Trash Political Correctness!

It is time that we take action and declare those who promote sedition and treason Enemy Combatants. No more hurt feelings. No more political correctness. We must bring the ideology of hate and death and those who advertise it to their knees. If we fail to act now, the US Constitution will soon be but a blob in the history books. Every patriot will labeled a fascist, racist and bigot. It is so now!

We, as a people of liberty, will be eliminated by unlawful mob rule and our children and grandchildren will suffer slavery and death - the communist way!

Yes, We Can - Antifa in Action


There is no reasoning with poisoned minds. There is no arguing. There can be no hesitation. The hammer must come down on the sheeple and their instigators, and the sickle must end their treason after a speedy trial.

News Source Congressmen Shot

I do do pray for the representatives' speedy recovery.
I do pray that those who are planning to overthrow Trump and harm his supporters brought to justice without fail.
I do pray for the protection of all those who truly want to Make America Great Again.

Chris Hatfield at gc



communism is a stateless classless society where the workers control the means of production. Nice propaganda.

I love how pretty much everyone's been reaching this conclusion lately.
Don't be PC, you're not in politics.
If they're being hypocrites, do not tolerate or pander to it.
Anyone can start a fight, but these twits can't finish them.

Though, to be honest, fighting someone in antifa is like picking on a handicapped person.

Yeah, PC belongs in the trash.
AntiFa in jail.
Politicians who support both, too.

Better than jail, throw 'em in prison. Let them understand what true equality under a total authority feels likes.

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