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RE: AntiFa Is Supported By Mainstream Media Apologists Who Edit Headlines On Request - Otherwise Known As CNN

in #antifa7 years ago

I think they have - Clinton was a pres. candidate... How much more criminal can one be...? 😂

But seriously - it's persecution, and anyone not in party line is demonitized, slandered, beaten to a pulp, jailed or murdered.

With a more gentle voice I would say: Let's not use the terminology they usurped to buy themselves legitimacy. I shall not call someone a liberal, if they are not about liberty. Instead, one can refer to them as 'certain political factions'...

No easy answer. Mostly also due to mass brainwashing in university and mainstream media. I freed myself of TV some years ago. No regrets.

The Alinsky style propaganda is has been multplied - not refined. They scream louder, not smarter. It is beoynd me how so many people cannot see that.

Appreciated the post. :)


"Let's not use the terminology they usurped to buy themselves legitimacy. "

Agreed. You'll find I am the first arguing against the redefinition of words, although that gets me in non-stop trouble.

They particularly like redefining words like "racist", "nazi", "fascist"...these sorts of attacking words.

For example, I love how Islam is the only religion that disliking makes you a racist now.

Yeah - and a bigot, too... I think the best defense is not to defend ourselves, vebally that is, but through positive actions expose them as liars, because the alligations by the people that seek to destroy Peace, Abundance and Liberty is frivilous.

It's true. You aren't going to reason with or rationally debate people with these positions.

Better to simply mock them publicly and defeat them intellectually, but in public, for the benefit of fence-sitters in the audience.

Something like this comes to mind:

Oh yeah - all in the name of fighting fascism, when it is the left who are using totalitarian methods to force their will on us..., without bothering to check historic facts. National Socialism has become Global Socialism, the new fascist movement. As far as I can see, the 'neo-nazis' in the video bempaneed the Over 1 Million German prisoners of war who died in US and British custody, for no other reason than hate/spite/revenge.

Not to talk about the countless millions who were sentenced to death by being sent to Soviet gulags. So much compassion from the left.

Self righteous indignation, born out of ingorance - I, for one, am not afraid. @disarrangedJane pinged me an article today about School Teachers being leaders in the domestic terror org 'antifa'. Chokingly shocking, but not surprising. We will cover this this Friday on the CHAOS Show.

Oh, yes... we will!!!

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