Helping Antifa - Know your enemy

in #antifa6 years ago (edited)

If you think Antifa is a good thing, or you are a member of Antifa (short for Anti-Fascists) then I thought I'd offer you A solution to your problem.

The first step in any fight is to know and identify your true enemy.

I can help you with that.

Here are some links to different products that will help you identify your enemy. I am offering multiple sources so you can choose one that fits your own personal preference.

This is the tool you need to find the enemy.

Hand Held Enemy Finder - Amazon

Hand Held Enemy Finder - Walmart

Fancy Wall Mounted Enemy Detector with LED and adjustable - Amazon

Stationary Wall Mounted Enemy Detector - Walmart

Large Floor Based Enemy Detector - Amazon

Large Floor Based Enemy Detector - Walmart

End the projection. Face the reality.


Bwahahaha! I wonder how many will a) look and b) understand. Though I've now spotted the tags, which should give it away.

Fully lol status!😁

Niiiiiiiiiice. :)

Hahahahahah love the spam in this article, @yassine04 didn't look (i mean neither do I, just read the links and realize the post, I was like wtf is wrong with the poster but, nice work), so, this is a spam poster catcher too.

I say we arm them,

and tell em to shot on first sight...

Just send them to a gun range to practice with that. It'll save us time.

lol, yeah that would make it easy to recycle them,redistribute
But kinda unfair for the range owners,body's take a little more room and effort than casings to clean up.

Add an onsite Crematorium and we could name the gun range Off Switch.

Yes, I know that is an extremely dark and morbid joke, and I don't mean it, but I do think it is pretty damn funny.

Mmmmmm... Nice point.

And now, maybe vampires dislike mirrors for the same reason? Hummm... :/ :\ :/ :\

Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Relevance: REEEEEE
Our Purpose

LOL Bad @dwinblood bad ;-)
Looking in the river will also show them and it will require jumping in to get to them...

I have thought it Might be fun to get some mirrors that say "We heard you were looking for the fascists" so that when you encounter Antifa you can stick it in their face.

Then say "Wait! You're still here? I thought you'd explode when the paradox kicked in."

I am sad you did not beat up on the ANTIFA dude a bit longer. Made for some good giggles. He had not much to say in his defense - there is not much to be said. Guess it makes these people feel included though - that's the important thing. ><

At least we have confirmation that at least ONE of them saw it.

Rofl, you made too much sense for him. They can argue against logic but they can't SEE logic.

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