
It seems so simple to not plagiarize but some people can still accidentally do it.

And, by the way... if you're wondering whether you are breaking the plagiarism rules... you probably are.

Without question.


Ahh you put it in the library, awesome!!. I consider you more an expert than some that claim to be on here. That's why I always come to you.

Awww, thanks, my friend.
As a creative content producer, plagiarism is a huge concern for me.
I will always do my best to help people understand better.

I wouldn't like it if someone would copy my text or things I made but it does happen :o

Yep. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery - but it's still stealing.

Thank you for putting this out. It is something we all need to make sure we avoid.

It's something we need to remember from time to time - especially as new Steemians join the platform. To allow plagiarism to continue is to tell new members that we don't value their work. Thanks for stopping by.

Great blog and perspective! Plagiarism is unethical, brings harm to legitimate sources, and undermines the value of truly original work.

Thank you so much for stopping by!
Your comment is very true. We can't encourage people to join the blockchains if they can't trust that their work is safe.

@viking-ventures, For sure many prefer Plagiarism but they are forgetting that they are using someone's effort and wasting time of others too. Genuine content always boost the Consumer Economy and inturn it's helpful for the Content Producer Ecosystem. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Plagiarism is easy - even adding a bit of spin and paraphrasing is easy. If you have no imagination to create genuinely new content, then it seems a great way to go. If someone feels they must use other content, then they need to at least add value to it.

For instance, I don't share just a single song on a post - I take a song, explore other people's covers and parodies of it, then I share my feelings, observations and comments - hopefully adding to people's playlist in the end (I've added to my own in doing these.) Hopefully, I've also driven some new listeners to the YouTubers.

Thanks so much for stopping by.

Welcome and you are following the indepth way.

Posted using Partiko Android

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