
So why do you suppose all those wild animals are choosing to be gay?

Evil animals!

Well, at least we can be comforted by the fact that they will burn in hell for it.... /sarc

Animal do not choosing to be gay it's a gay people choose to believe there is that gay animals

So -- why are male penguins and male ducks bonding again? And why are male giraffes humping each other exclusively and never attempting to mate with females?

Yes, must just be us choosing to believe they are gay....

Insert eye roll.

Because they are defective surviving this defeatist this stronger are survive and pass their genes to future generation the weakest one are destined to vanished actually it's Darwinism usually all liberals see him as a God

Exactly. What you are calling "defective" is homosexual behavior. That's the behavior that you are saying doesn't get passed on. Homosexual, as in attraction to the same sex. As opposed to heterosexual, attraction to the opposite sex. You can't really "imagine" that two male animals are having sex or have bonded to each other. That's a scientific observation -- objective, not subjective. In your own post you admit that it occurs.

How is it possible that you are not able to see this?

Scientific observations by gay scientist???? When there is a politic is involved there is no science

no its hormonla

It is junk science

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