What Your Psychological Disorders Really AresteemCreated with Sketch.

in #anthropology7 years ago (edited)

Humans are extremely simple entities, yet, they like to feel special. We strive to connect and communicate because our very livelihood depends on cooperation and bonding. As we have progressed through time, we found ourselves discovering more and more information about the world. Applying the laws of entropy, this trend produced a massive amount of unique perspectives. Today, we have reached a point where there is so much abundant amount of information, everyone has started developing their own version of reality.

I am sure you heard the saying that “back in the day people used to be close together”. This is partially true since humans, just a few centuries ago, had little access to information but tended to clump together with their clan and family. What was considered “fact” came down to ideas embraced by a small community. Religion, a set of beliefs, traditions and practises, is nothing but an agreement from a group of people in regards to how the world works. People who believed the same thing communicated much better and were able to form better relationships. This is true even today. Priests, scientists, pychologists, gurus and common folk alike, agree: communication and understanding are key to mental and physical health.

This realisation brings us, yet again, to another realisation. Lack of connection and understanding is a problem for everyone and everything around us. This is not only justified by “human rules of contact” but also from our very own physiology. Depression, the core of all psychological disorders, is nothing but a defence mechanism being employed by own body when connection and understanding have dissipated.

We need to be part of the community. Mother nature knows this fact better than we do even if we deny it in order to feel special. Prolonged depressive states signal the body into radical resolutions much like it would if it was under threat. It raises your heart rate and spikes your blood pressure as if you are running away from a predator. We call this anxiety. Prolong this state and you get what we call panic attacks. Anxiety also manifests as a ‘generalised anxiety disorder’ or for the more defensive individuals, as ‘bipolar disorder’. Similarly, multiple personality disorder is nothing more than the desperate need of someone to connect by shape-shifting into different personality moulds. Individuals pick strong or 'ideal' personalities from around them and then try to emulate those personalities into their own life. Many people today mimic tv celebrities much like our ancestors reflcted on religious leaders. This ‘hero complex’ is yet again, anxiety, a way to connect through something that appears to be 'accepted' and 'popular'.

Other ‘disorders’ like sociopathy are rather ridiculous. We are all sociopaths to billions of people. Time and place dictate how and why we connect with people. Being indifferent to some people but caring for some others is completely natural. This is after all how we were all designed to function in the face of evolutionary competition. This is also the reason why we tend to have our own kids instead of adopting. We value our genes, the clan, above all. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) is rather ridiculous since humans are not designed to sit on their asses all day but engage in high intensity play with their environment. The 'disorder' would be to sit on one's ass for 5 hours straight. The list of ‘disorders’ can go on and on as human relationships become more and more complicated. Heck, just a half century ago, homosexuality was considered a disorder. No wonder why the DSM manual is getting thicker and thicker every few years while getting more and more revised. The book is nothing but a reference encyclopaedia about how human societies like to perceive themselves.

A ‘disorder’ is rather a naive word today. You see, we assume that there is some kind of ‘order’ when it comes to human behaviour as if there is a god-like model for a reference point. A golden ratio if you like, for humans. The only other human endeavour that works around this form of human idealism is religion. You always a sinner in religion, imperfect. You perform acts to attone onself. Much in the same way, disorders, which exist in all shades of gray zones, reside in every single of us and they appear as problems that need resolution. This is all but an elusion. A ‘normal’ human being is as elusive and as utopic as God himself. There is no ‘normal’ or even ‘average’ human being. The whole notion of psychology is based on this simple logical fallacy: The flaw of averages.

A great example of the flaw of averages was discovered from the U.S Air Force when they tried to design a “universal cockpit” taking into account the average attributes of pilots. The result? Not a single pilot could fit into the ‘ideal’ cockpit. Similarly, humans, that are much, much more complicated than a sitting booth, have variant behaviours that are impossible to average. There are no normal human beings. We are all sinners to society in a way. There is no such thing as “average human being’ when there are literally trillions of unique events taking place in each person’s life. The quest away from ‘disorders’ and into ‘normality’ is nothing more than social engineering. The individual that expresses deviant behaviour is set to get ‘fixed’ in order to start communicating and connecting again. There is no science to it. There are no ‘chemical imbalances’ that need to be ‘balanced’.

[ The other day I was trying to fix my computer because it was over-heating. A friend suggested that I should make the fans work harder as a resolution. We both knew that this won't solve the original problem. Why does the computer overheat? Therapy and medicine are like the fans of the computer. They solve the problem temporality by masking it but they do not address the real issue. The real issue with humans is our very own nature. We are designed to overheat from the moment we could picture our own mortality. ]

The reason almost all ‘disorders’ never really go completely away is because they are part of what makes us human. Much like we bleed when we cut ourselves, we experience depression and anxiety when we lose connection, dealing in our minds excessively with the past, present and future events. This is how we are designed to work. These ‘disorders’ are what make us, us. They manifest in different variants and intensity but they are all the same more or less. The great tragedy of our times is that we live in the information age. A massive amount of information pours down on us. While we are digesting more and more information our heads travel deeper and deeper into our own asses. We start feeling more unique, more special and thus everybody else looks more and more like an idiot we cannot possibly relate to. We become smuck. We get stubborn about our own version of reality and thus slowly we break off our social connection and understanding... and suprise, the psychological shitstorm manifests.

Have you ever wondered why people with disorders go into “support groups” and experience greater results than therapy and pills combined? This is no science. Support groups are nothing but distinctive cults. People in support groups share their own version of reality — a world that is shared from all under the same context. Whether it is cancer, alcohol, anxiety itself or Christianity, there are special rules being set in the background that everybody understands and relates to. If you want your ‘disorder’ gone create or join a cult. Become a groupie. Do you like atheism? Metal bands? Cars? The Gym? Find others like you and join the circle jerk. Remember, what you think you understand as real is nothing more but cherry picked beliefs that we have amassed over the years. Future generations will laugh at us much like we laugh at past generations. The larger the group you belong, the wider a belief is shared, the easier would be to belong.

It’s all a fucking joke.


I think social media is one big factor in bringing people closer together. However, as one person becomes close to a lot of people that they don't meet or they're not with, they sometimes ignore the people they meet face to face and the people they are with. Maybe people really were closer back in the days, or not. I guess there're still people who are more comfortable in talking through techs and other gadgets to others than personally. Just sayin'. Good point you made here @kyriacos! Nice work.

Thanks for sharing. Something to digest today. You very well described our current state of mind. However I think there is more than "disorders" what makes us, us. Perhaps it has to do more with religion/ re-connection. I have to think more about it.
Where are the pictures from?

Random places in the internets

Also, depression is just being a realist and realizing you'll never have a hot partner to share your life with.

Trolling to some degree.

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