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RE: Anthony Bourdain, his girlfriend Asia Argento Freaky Friday interesting tweets, info, video clips

in #anthonybourdain6 years ago

Great info!
What happened to him in France was certainly not a suicide, but most definitely a murder!

My first clue was that in the initial reports of this in the news as the story just came out, it was immediately said that this was a suicide, without any serious time spent on this case and really looking at the details. Almost like the talking points were given out as to what was needed to be said. Than when I started to look into the details here, this all became all to obvious.
Q anon if you follow this group on 8 chan said this is "suicide week" and to be on the look out here=

IMG_4424 (1).PNG

So one of these people during "suicide week" was the Dutch Queen's sister committed suicide by hanging as well, at the age of 33:

Could this all be connected as a last ditch effort by Hillary's cronies/bosses to silence many who know that this Cabal is starting to show cracks and looking weak, there former assets are beginning to turn on them. So the Cabal is starting to clean house and send messages to the rest of the people to stay in line and be silent.

Anthony was someone who became caught up in a world and life he no longer wanted, maybe his conscious kicked in or he was trying to get away from this life ever since "fame" found him. He definitely wasn't a squeaky clean person by any means, but based off what he was saying/tweeting, it looked like he was going to blow the whistle on something dealing with Harvey Weinstein and or Hillary Clinton. What happened to him is what happens to everyone that tries to bring these people down, they are "suicided"!!


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