Apex predators in their world

The stealthy movements of the apex predator in their natural world is something to be seen to be believed. Most times these animals will pass ships and small zodiacs without being detected and if you are lucky enough to catch a glimpse of them, they can in turn simply disappear without a trace and leave you scratching your head, wondering where in the heck they went...

This was the case with this interaction of two large male Type B orca on the Antarctic Peninsula. I only had a few glimpses of them, as they surfaced beside my small zodiac on two separate breathing rotations before going down and never to surface again. I honestly had no idea where they went, if they turned around and went in the opposite direction, did they speed up on their longer dive or just alter their direction a little bit in a hunting pattern?

That is something I will never be able to answer but one thing is for certain, myself and the guests with me on board this zodiac were lucky enough to not only encounter some apex predators in their world but got to get a few pictures of them as well. I would call that a success any day of the week...

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All stories & photographs are of my own work unless noted under the picture in question.

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