World Leaders Conceal Answer to the Most Baffling Question of All Time!

in #antarctica7 years ago


This is an Action News Thirt-Steem Special Edition

By: @Lymmerik

September 9, 2017

World Leaders Conceal Answer to the Most Baffling Question of All Time!

In what is being hailed as a stunning defeat to governments worldwide, conspiracy theorists around the globe have had their biggest fears realized today. The truth is: World leaders have concealed the answer to the most baffling question of all time;
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

"We've finally unscrambled their lies!" Said Rooster Cogburn, leader of the group, Citizens Realize Antarctica Contains Knowledge of Egg Detainment or CRACKED for short.
"Soon the world will know the truth, and we will not have to walk on eggshells anymore! They tell us one thing, but that don't make sense, then they change their story, switch it around a bit, and that don't make sense either. What? Are they just making it up as they go?" Cogburn continued.

It seems that for decades, if not centuries, a collusion of world leaders headed up by the Pope at The Vatican have had a devilish secret hidden in the ice of Antarctica. But plausible deniability by the governments has not bode well with CRACKED said Cogburn. The theorists maintain that it is the right of the people to know the truth, which one actually did come first.

In this aerial photo taken yesterday and released to me overnight, it is clear to see that the truth is out there. What's even more clear from the photo is that these diabolical world leaders have known the egg was here all along and decided to mislead the public by keeping it here in "cold storage" for "safe keeping" and conveniently out of the sight of the citizens.

-Photo Credit Conde Nash Travel

Even though CRACKED has been around for more than three decades, the group has been out maneuvered and out funded by the world leaders at every turn to expose the conspiracy. In recent years since more and more information is readily available, easily found, and communicated through the Internet, the membership numbers of CRACKED has grown exponentially. Members of the group coordinate their efforts on social media and represent more than 25 countries around the globe.

"I mean, anyone with half a brain can see that the chicken came first. If it didn't, then what laid this egg? It has had to have been frozen for centuries or longer in the thick ice of Antarctica. We've been running around like the proverbial chicken with our head cut off trying to prove the truth to the people of the world." Cogburn said. "And I think this photo proves that we were right all along, just look at how many guards they have on that thing. The ice is melting proving Global Warming is real! We never would've been able to prove it if it weren't for climate change."

CRACKED says that to back up their proof, they are willing to conduct several experiments to prove the truth once and for all, among the experiments the group will conduct is for each of their members to order a chicken and an egg from separate vendors on Amazon, and see which one actually comes first.

World Leaders nor the Pope could be reached for a comment on this story.


LOL This is great! Can't wait to see the drone that delivers the egg from Amazon. 😃

Hey @geke, glad you got a chuckle out of it.

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