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in #antarctica7 years ago

Over 2000 years ago, Plato wrote down the story of Atlantis, a mythical island state of great technology and wonders. Plato tells us that Atlantis suffered a great cataclysm and was destroyed overnight. However, as we know from many stories passed on through generation after generation in verbal methods of song and prose, sometimes the details get a little jumbled.

From what we know, Atlantis disappeared completely from view after a great event. This great island state was no longer visible in the spot that sailors would normally make port. But, Atlantis did not sink into the ocean as suggested, it moved.

Atlantis is described as an island with three concentric rings. A ring is a circle which is of 360 degrees. Atlantis was built off of the 360 degree perfect circle as a representation of the 360 day orbit of the Earth around the Sun. The island had separations and channels representative of a compass, showing the cardinal directions. Later in history, when time was reinvented, clocks were created using the 360 degree circle and the 4 main cardinal directions pointing to the numbers divisible by 3, because 3 is the first real number.

Now, you are thinking that I have it wrong, there are 365 days in a year.
Yes, there are 365 days in a year now, but not then.

Back in ancient days, the Solar System was not in its current configuration. Earth’s position, now the third from the Sun, was either closer to Saturn or Saturn was closer to the Sun. The reason we should believe this, is that ancient drawings of the Sun, show it as a circle with a dot in the middle. A very odd way to show the Sun, since we do not see it that way today. Something was in the Solar system that would be big enough to create the dot in the middle of the Sun. Or, the Earth was at a distance that a larger planet would seem like another star.

At some point in the past, a point in history when people told stories and also drew images to capture events, something major happened in our Solar System. Whether it was simply the regular 5000 year celestial cycle recorded on the disc of the Mayan calendar or an object entering our Solar System, something caused great disruption on the planet.

With this great disruption, the three main continent groups shifted. The Americas, EurAsiaAfrica and Atlantis moved and separated to form their current location and shape. Atlantis moved the most and was subjected to the greatest change. Atlantis moved southward and became what we know as Antarctica.

After thousands and thousands of years, ice build-up on Atlantis has made it unrecognizable as the great island state it was. However, before the weather took over, sailors still sailed down to Atlantis, before the ice got too thick for navigation to the center of the city state. We know this, due to ancient maps, like Piri Reis map, that show an ice free Antarctica. But, the land froze over and time took away memories and war took away knowledge, leaving Atlantis almost all but forgotten in the past. All we have left is a story written down, based on verbal tales.

In 2012, the 5,000 year cycle restarted and some of the ice in Antarctica melted, allowing polar researchers to discover things that were long lost. Satellite images are picking up strange formations in the water off of the coast. Secrets are being revealed and the world governments need to act before the public learns too much. The truce to keep military build-up and exploration to a minimum is eroding. Countries are desperate to be the first ones to gain the lost knowledge, before it gets spread around the world. Knowledge is power, but if everyone has that knowledge, then nobody can hold the power gain from it.

What is this knowledge? The governments are on the verge of making contact with the highly intelligent race that has been living on Antarctica for millenia, just waiting and observing us. The Atlanteans had to wait until the human race had returned back to the technology level that they themselves had reached in ancient times, so that we would be better equipped to handle our ascension into higher beings. They have been sending us messages through crop circles in hopes that we would learn enough to decode them. And after many attempts and failures, it seems that some have been able to break through the enigma of the circles and understand the messages. We were told back in 2002, that the conduit to them was closing and not to trust outside influences, especially the gray aliens. And now, just before the Great American Eclipse, we were given the message that the gate is going to close soon, if we do not solve the conflict with North Korea in a peaceful manner.

If things do not go well with North Korea, the Atlanteans will close communication and then close down the Antarctic for another 5,000 years. Their knowledge and technology will be once again be closed off to us as we revert back to our primitive selfs after a great world conflict. A conflict that will start when North Korea launches their next EMP (electromagnetic pulse) missile.

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I like the implication that peace will bring innovation. People usually argue the opposite, that it's our wars that have spurred and funded innovation. But I think survival-mode thinking is slower and more limited than the thinking that will have been freed from the necessity of militaristic self defense.

Well, there have been a lot of things created due to war. Things that people take for granted, like GPS.

However, there is a theory, that there have been at least one or more periods of advanced civilization in Earth's past. The theory believes that humans got to a certain point and then did so much destruction, that civilization had to revert back to hunter-gatherer stage. If EMP bombs were detonated, it would destroy the electrical network for the USA. It would probably do the same for other countries. Developed countries cannot live without electricity, because we are too dependent on it. It would take 6 months to a year to fix and in that time, civil unrest would destroy any chances of getting done.

Of course, the EMP doesn't have to be from NK. It could be a solar flare CME (coronal mass ejection). One launched yesterday, that if it was more pointed at the Earth, would have knocked the lights out.

I really liked your theory. I hope you are one of the winners of the contest. Good luck, Dean.


I sorted of hinted at another article I am writing. I really need to finish it. It was supposed to be done for September 3rd. ;)

Hehehe. I hope you finish it soon so that I can read it. No pressure. LOL.

you did a very good job.I hope you will get what you want, don't stop keep going @deanlogic

Very cool. This must be where Jack Skellington crashed his ship in James and the Giant Peach.

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