If you think you can handle the truth, well here it is!

in #anonymous5 years ago (edited)

Anonymous - If you think you can handle the truth, well here it is!

Anonymous is an idea that cannot be broken...even by traitors.

We are also neutral when it comes to politics, which is part of the original Anonymous ideology. Sometimes people might see the videos we upload and think we're supporting a certain political party, but that is never the case.


Source: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheAnonMessage/featured

unnamed.gif @Anarcho-Pirate


it seams.. like... the robot voice almost crying while reading the message... :(

So you too. have awoken to this... nightmare surrending us... now is not time to burry ourself into fear.. but to hurge agains those in charge! Now it is still time to change our world! Be present... in all your means... be kind .. in all you being... and fucking fight that surronding madness they creat!! with all you've got. Because bad people won'T take a day off... you most not either! that is how we will win this war... this poor slavery and slaughter of our kind... We are humans... We are not machine... Fucking acte like it!|

may i call for a reunion of the native of EARTH! may you all ansewer this call!! for we are united as one... divised by zero... we are millions... and far the most... we are in a fury agains those ritch bastards who think they could pety us... Now it is time to burn the rulling classes! for good!! Time runing out ... have no mercy ! May Babylone burn as it has burn b4!! A message commitmed by the pirats patry! We shald not fail our kins... our destiny is calling now!

the Crakedskullnbone along with Anarco-piracy... for the "drowning boat" and " Your Journey has just begone" !!
End of Transmission
xX The Xx ASSsN Piracy and Chevalry crew !!! xX We are !! Xx Xx Anonymous ! xX .

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