The Ejaculation System is Hinting at a big NQ shot coming up.

in #annunaki7 years ago

We at the Annunaki Fake Trade Room have no freaking clue what this means. The Annunaki Fake Trade Room believes we could see rockets, either going to the moon or crashing. That´s right folks. We give two setups, where we at the Annunaki Fake Trade Room will never be wrong.

The Annunaki Fake Trade Room is so great it will guarantee you a 100% loss to zero win ratio. Yes that´s correct! The Annunaki Fake Trade Room is so great, you to can lose all your money, blow up your account, get margin called, all by using this great system. Hurry up now while this special lasts, where you pay what you want in bitcoins for access to the The Annunaki Fake Trade Room.

This post is a joke and should not be taken serious at all. The Annunaki Fake Trade Room is a fictional trade room that is for entertainment only.

Trading futures and options involves the risk of loss. Please consider carefully whether futures or options are appropriate to your financial situation. Only risk capital should be used when trading futures or options. Investors could lose more than their initial investment. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. The risk of loss in trading can be substantial, carefully consider the inherent risks of such an investment in light of your financial condition.


With all your disclosures and disclaimers, you must be getting calls for Annunaki subscription requests?

hahahaha that´s funny... no I just do it cause you never know who is watching. In a previous life hold harmless agreements saved my ass. Old habits die hard.

Most people should have them if they hire companies to do any type of service work. Did you know the friendly man you hire to mow your lawn (if you do) has an accident or one of his workers, you can be held liable. Even if the mowing contractor has WC and liability. The contractors insurance will automatically try to sue your homeowners policy, if not you too. This would also apply to a handyman, plumber, carpenter or other service work. Most reputable contractors will sign a hold harmless agreement. It should also include a hold harmless clause, for all sub contractors of the contractor you hire. Many contractors sub out everything, where the homeowner is none the wiser.

The NQ does not look healthy at the moment. while the dji and spx have made new highs the ndx is lagging. Off the Nov lows the ndx was showing the trend to go higher. Continued selling at the hwb would not make a bullish case for the nq.

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