Autism and G.O.D. - Generation of Diversity Part V dis-ease

in #annunaki7 years ago (edited)

Part V - The causes and cures of dis-ease
June 3rd, 2017
authors: Sandra and Max Desorgher

The primary cause of dis-ease is discomfort. A self and non-self auto response which tells me, the I, the it, that something is wrong. 'Even a worm can learn' (Dr. Bob Jones, Professional Parenting). Create a heat source that is to hot, which threatens a worm with demise and push it towards the worm - every time, it squirms to the right and the worm will end up going in circles to the left or inching forward in a straight line. It avoids the heat-shock.

Heat shock proteins are used by the immune system and trigger metabolic responses in response to our environment - what we think, expect, sense, experience, memories, anticipation are not exempt. Our primary senses: sight (see blood and faint), hearing (it deafened me, I have had ringing in the ears ever since it happened), touch (it blistered) smell (like monkey farts), and taste (so bitter my lips puckered) - and these are even less important than our memories: it hurts! Whether it hurts our emotional body, mental body, physical body or consciousness, 'it hurts' is a warning. The conditioning we have received is so strong that we want to avoid the feeling of 'it hurts' so much that many people live lives isolated, lonely, frightened and marginalised by fear of being 'hurt'.

Parents who have a child with a medical condition that causes pain, an emotional sensitivity that presents as painful, will do anything to stop their child's suffering. When the parents are faced with information that suggests that they may have contributed or even caused this suffering, it can be too much to handle. Then they are told: 'There is nothing we can do'. How absolutely heart-breaking for a parent. The information about autism is very confusing and this has been done purposely. We know what they want us to know, when they want us to know it. Anyone who puts out information which is not yet on the agenda for release is marginalised, murdered, silenced or bought. Autism is big, big business. We are led to think that wars are fought over religion, land disputes, ideology and oil but wars are fought over information, technology and human resources as well.

Most of the countries which we have been at war with or against are countries which have fought against global mass vaccination agendas. If we compare a vaccinated population with a non-vaccinated population we are nearly to the point of having to co-factor in the devastation of war. There are a few exceptions, and these countries have a great deal of power and control of information.

A hundred years ago, the bio-warfare began against primarily the American people. As the US military was increased in size and strength, wars were fought and these wars were backed on both sides, by the same uber rich families who are the cabal, overlords, ruling elite or as David Icke says: 'the lizards'.

In the document Extraterrestrial Races Outside the Military-Industrial-Extraterrestrial Complex 'MIEC' we can read in the introduction:

"On February 20, 1954, a delegation of ‘human looking’ extraterrestrial races met with the Eisenhower administration in an unsuccessful effort to reach an agreement on the US’s thermonuclear nuclear weapons program. The apparent stumbling block was that these extraterrestrial races were not willing to provide technology that might be used by the military-industrial interests that dominated the Eisenhower administration and set the tone for subsequent extraterrestrial – human dialogue . . . The principled opposition of this group of extraterrestrials to being co-opted into an emerging military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex (MIEC) marks an important indicator of a large grouping of ‘human’ extraterrestrial races who lie outside of the web of interlocking interests that make up the MIEC in the US and elsewhere on the planet."

By 1954 the US (a London-based corporation) already had the most military bases worldwide and the most advanced weapons acknowledged and demonstrated for public scrutiny. Behind the scenes things were a little different. Beginning early in the twentieth century extraterrestrial technology was being introduced wide scale. The great plan for the 21st century had been followed and 'We The People' properly conditioned, while President Roosevelt was receiving his debriefing which included:

"This second group of extraterrestrials is primarily ‘human’ and can easily integrate with human society in the manner described by Dean and others where they can be indistinguishable from the rest of humanity".

There have been many, many accounts of experiences with extraterrestrial beings, from abductions to dream states, visitations to space travel, and often there are accompanying drawings, descriptions and sometimes photographs and video. We have heard of reptilian, avian, insectoid, shadow beings, big foot, seti, chupacabra, sea monsters, giants, almond-eyed greys, tall greys, blue beings, shiny beings with what looks like electricity coming out of the area that would be face, spider beings, blue bulbous-nosed beings, giants, cyclops, half-man and half beast, mermaids, mermen, beings with big round heads, lizard people of L.A., insectoids, changeling and demons, but the Military-Extraterrestrial-Industrial-Complex will have us believe that the second group (failing to describe the first group) looks primarily human and could easily integrate.

'Oh yeah, they are also white, usually blond and speak English - can you believe our luck, Sir.'

Nearly 70 years later we find there may be some truth in the MJ12 FOIA documents which included that "these races are described to be from star systems such as Lyra, Pleiades, Sirius, Procyon, Tau Ceti, Ummo, Andromeda and Arcturus who have provided some of the genetic material for the seeding of humanity on Earth. According to Alex Collier, a total of 22 extraterrestrial races have provided genetic material for the ‘human experiment’."

The report states that the first group "include Reptilian, Gray and Anunnaki races". Here it is important to understand that Anunnaki is synonymous with the cabal, the illuminati, the uber rich overlords. Gray has little meaning, it can describe the very small Lyrans, Artificial Intelligence 'AI' created by several advanced civilisations including the Venusians, Zeta-Reticulans, Pleiadians and Rigelians. Reptilian as a description is equally as limited as Gray. It can mean anything from the tiniest chameleon to a bi-pedal crocodile or even a dragon. So, if the first group included bi-pedal crocodile hybrid royals with gray AI, heralding laser weapons to keep the peace, perhaps it was best not to agree to disarm. However, describing the second group as ‘benevolent’ might be just a tad optimistic. Then they include matter-of-factly "that we, as a product of extraterrestrial genetic manipulation, are possessors of a vast gene pool consisting of many different racial memory banks, also consisting of at least 22 different races. Because of our genetic heritage, and because we are spirit, the benevolent extraterrestrial races actually view us as being royalty."

Right! And, we have been treated like royalty ever since. Which brings me to the problem of what are we facing as the vaccine agenda is unmasked. We are facing new and ever more cunning ways of being manipulated and deceived. Earlier today I received information which included a link to a radio interview hosted by Carol Rosin with guest Dr. Rima Laibow and another with information on the new miracle cure for autism spectrum disorder. In the course of reviewing the information, you might notice that Dr. Laibow's protocol includes 'stop all prescription drugs' but then includes recommendation to buy the 'Natural Solutions' drugs which must be prescribed. I wrote this reply to the enquirer:

"Thank you so much for sending the information on this research (suramin) and on the Natural Solutions Foundation - Rima Laibow. I strongly advise that any 'natural' solution to autism spectrum disorder does not require a prescription. There is a huge variation in presentation. Where individuals have also Alper's syndrome for example then prescriptions of this type may be helpful. In the meantime the 'light-children' are well protected at the spiritual level and, in my opinion, this protocol recommended by Dr. Rima would potentially open them up to lucid dreaming which they are not emotionally mature enough to handle. I suggest people stay as far away from Carol Rosin, Rima Laibow and Natural Solutions Foundation as possible.

The patent for this product, Suramin, is owned by Bayer. It can only be administered by injection or intra-venously. At this time when people are questioning the role of vaccines and environmental toxins in the area of molecular biology, genetics and fetal development there is a civil war in America hidden as the policy makers have finally realised they were not exempt. Their children, grand-children and now great-grand-children have suffered along with the peasants, the 3rd world guinea pigs and our military - at the front lines as the first to receive many of the bio-warfare substances given under the guise of being 'protective' vaccines. Bayer, Merck and Monsanto are bed buddies. These companies own the vast majority of all pharmaceutical companies world-wide. They own natural curative substances by way of making these illegal or illegal to import, by creating compounds of synthetic patented substances with a natural substance which can result in any source of the natural substance being subject to regulations and by controlling the production (land, harvest, import-export) and so on. Once they have land-grabbed or developed a source for obtaining the natural substance, for instance raw chocolate, then they will market this product as Natural Solutions with the Natural Solutions Foundation being led by General (Ret.) Stubbledine, the products being manufactured (compounded) at Merck and touted in medical journals as 1. anti-depressant 2. birth control and 3. serotonin re-uptake inhibitors. At the same time they have an 'expert' David H. Gorski, MD, PhD, FACS who is undermining the progress being made which shows that some, if not many or most natural therapies can have a positive result such as chiropractic care and physiotherapy. He writes that the research showing non-vaccinated populations are healthier than vaccinated populations have been retracted. The three Natural Solutions products include (1. is by prescription only)

  1. Galantamine is a cholinesterase inhibitor. It works by increasing the amount of a certain substance (acetylcholine) in the brain, which may help reduce symptoms of dementia in patients with Alzheimer disease.

  2. Oxiracetam is a nootropic drug of the racetam family and very mild stimulant. Several studies suggest that the substance is safe even when high doses are consumed for a long period of time.

  3. Idebenone is a drug that was initially developed by Takeda Pharmaceutical Company for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and other cognitive defects. This has been met with limited success".


About the author
Sandra is a psychologist, teacher and autism expert who has written individualized diets for thousands of people around the world. Since 1994 she has been giving 'Sara's Diet' consultations for families affected by autism. Understanding how humanity is undergoing enormous changes in response to the environmental stresses of the modern world, she has seen how the immune system is undergoing a transformation in its function, leading to the explosion in chronic health conditions that effect us emotionally and physically.Along with her husband, Max Desorgher, she formed World Community Autism Program, and traveled the world to teach people about the relationship between diet, environment and well-being.

For more information on her autism work, visit her consultation page on the WCAP website:

'Little White Wolf, Medicine Woman'
Sandra is a life-long Experiencer of non-human multi-dimensional intelligent beings, that she encounters through the 'dream-state.

She has written two books on autism:

  1. The Power of Exile. Autism, a journey to recovery
  2. Autism, the Way Forward

Her most recent book has just been published as an e-book:
Meet the Ancients: Ascension Earth - Birth of a new Sun

Meet the Ancients came about as a result of my life experiences being taught in the dreamscape by the Mantid, the Guardian - my Guardian and one of the Ancients who know the history of Earth.

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