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RE: 1 Year Steem Anniversary – GAINS!

After you are done with your civil service, you'll lose an entire source of material for your posts! I guess your only choice will be to take that space and use it to start a full-time fitness blog and tell us all how to get as ripped as you :D


Yeah man, I have a hate-love relationship with my service because I hate it but it has inspired so much writing for that exact reason.

how to get as ripped as you :D

Well, I think I partly already gave that: intermittent fasting and semi-regular-irregular exercise, enough sleep. And time. There's not much more to it than that for me honestly :D Plus, I rarely eat fastfood except some kebab once in a while, and I don't drink sodas – way too much sugar way too quickly for the body to handle accordingly. Those are really my only "diet guidelines".
Maybe I could've milked the cow more by making it into a "How to get ripped" post, but meh. Perhaps another time when I run out of ideas, haha.

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