Celebrating My One year Anniversary On Steemit

in #anniversary6 years ago

Wow! Like it’s really been a year already? Hi guys, I more than happy to be celebrating my one anniversary on Steemit today. I still remember very well when I received a confirmation email to this account in the night of Thursday June 29, 2017 and I got up from bed the following morning which was Friday, activated my account and posted an introductory post without having any pre-knowledge of how it is done and the tags to use, HAHAHA . . .

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On this day, I will like to once more thank @jwolf for introducing me to steemit even though we are not very close like we were this time day last year, probably because I stopped using Facebook and I’m no more in to trading Cryptos but I will never forget him for introducing Steemit to me and many others.

I guess most people will be thinking “well, this account is one year old but it’s still looking like that of a newbie”. Yeah!, whatever, the truth is that I was interested in making an impact on the Steemit. So, I dumped this account and created another account, @sport.prediction which I was organizing football contests that were non-betting and that help minnows and steemians in general to get some grounds and a reason to stay in this community but just when I felt everything was beginning to look right, I carelessly lost the keys to this account. Due to this, I was down for a while but I had to come back, pick up this account and start all over. Hey!, I’ve gotten over that shit!, Let me enjoy this day and keep that incident off my mind.

Picking up this account, I think I have been able to cope really well even though it is really a struggle for me to get my PC working well and also afford a fast Internet connection. Above all, I have been able make a few friends and found my families in @wafrica and the Steem Cameroon communities though I am missing a lot of interactions with these group of individuals because I can't afford the cost for an internet connection that will enable me to be fully active here and my earnings here can't cover it yet either.

@wafrica for those who don’t know, @wafrica was created by @surfyogi to upvote posts and support Africans through the wafrica tag (#wafrica). It is currently managed by Africans headed by @lordjames. Now, the Steem Cameroon community has emerged as a result of the present of @wafrica. We trying to get many Cameroonians exposed to the opportunities on Steemit along with those provided by @wafrica.


So, I really want to thank so many people out here on Steemit which include first @jwolf then @ackza, @surfyogi, @lordjames, @simonjay, @helamia, @mwanjo, @hermannsol, @ndorrhoswald, @gigpen, @originalworks, @acidyo and many others whom probably their names just skipped my memory at this moment. There is not much to offer but I will try to show a sign of appreciation to some of these amazing people.

Hope you guys do have a nice day while I’m also having an amazing day, Cheers!


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Cheers!, @akomoajong



Congratulations man, you've paid your dues. Keep on doing the good job.

Man, you've paid your dues. Keep on
Doing the good job.

                 - lordjames

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Thank you @lordjames, i appreciate.

Congrats bro on your one year anniversary.
Keep steeming on.

Thank you bro

Hello @akomoajong
A year on steemit is a blessing for us all.
the comeroon steemian community is blessed to have YOU.

hey upvoted and i resteemed ur post to my almost 9000 followers man, and i dropped a few cents upvotes to everyone in here in your comments on this post and i wanna amke sure to engage more with users under me in SP as an investment so you all upvote me when youre upvotes are all worth a LOT more when steem is $100 and you are all giving out $100 upvotes when you were only giving out $1 upvote before

Sure!, you can count on me. I'll always have you on the list of those who have and are supporting me. I also learn a lot from your discussions on discord. So, yeah we are in this together. Thank you, i appreciate this act.

Well @akomoajong . First of all , congratulations on your first year on @steemit community and this blog is yet another good one so good job.
I't made me feel great reading my name on your mentions of the people who supported you and for that i should thank you. Indeed i supported many people and they supported me too just like you did too so i want to thank you for your support too and i truly appreciate it and hope you will continue to do so.
Lets hope steem price goes up to the moon and we grow up together and the best way to do that is by supporting each other because that way we value each other's creativity and that makes us good steemians.
Thank you for your support and keep up the good work @akomoajong.
Warm regards from @helamia. Take care of yourself, stay healthy , stay positive. God bless you.

Thank you @helamia, i'm very happy to hear from you. I do enjoy the value and creativity in your posts so much that at times i wonder how you come up with them, something i do feel each time i read a post by @jeezzle.
I'm really looking forward to Steem's come back and to be fully active. I have been paying for SP lease to make my votes valuable and equal to a withdrawal or reward but with prices this low, it still wasn't making any sense. I will love to get back on this too.
I really appreciate your support and sure to keep it on. Thank you.

1Year and 50rep and not much to show, ive been steeming for 10months i started from nothing.

Before you show off, read the post to know why.

I am glad you're still here!

Yeah, i've been around but not consistent. I'm trying to wrap up something in the next months and then give my all to Steemit. This way i will be in touch once again. Thanks for visiting.

Many congratulations 👏👏👍

congratulations...Hope you will contribute even more :D

Thank you. Sure!, i will.

Congrts @akomoajong its a great achievement to be with this wonderful platform for a year, and of course thank you for the donation it really helps us all grow.

Thank you too.

Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!

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