It's my one year anniversary on Steem!

in #anniversary4 years ago

To celebrate my one year anniversary on Steem, I am re-posting the very first post I ever made on Steem.

Because it is a repost, I will decline rewards.

I just wanted to reshare that message because it means something to me, and I hope that it can also inspire someone else out there. <3


Everything you think you know or feel is based on an attachment to the past.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Every thought you think is a conclusion. And all your perceptions are based on your understanding and interpretation of the past.

How can you see forward while anchored to the past? How can you open your heart and mind to possibility, to potential, without holding yourself back? Without limiting yourself to your understandings?

The answer is Love.

Open your heart and your mind to Love. Fall in Love with yourself. Fall in Love with life and living. Fall in Love with the moment.

Be open.

Don't constrain yourself by trying to define or explain. Don't introduce judgment. Just allow yourself to be. Be in the moment, with heart, with great Love, and with great gratitude.

Be open.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Allow Love to flow through you. Develop a deep reverence for life.

You are here. You are breathing. You are alive. Connect your senses to the openness. Breathe deeply. Look closely. Listen. Let your senses fill you. Let the experience deepen.

Swim in gratitude of this moment. Swim in gratitude of you.

You are as limitless as the sky. You have endless potential. Recognize the power you hold within.

Love is your source energy. With Love all becomes pure.

Love changes your experience completely. The more open you can allow yourself to be, the deeper the experience. The more open you can allow yourself to be, the greater your power.

As you opened your awareness to the depth of your senses, now open your awareness to the depth of your Love. Your potential for Love is endless.

Know that Love is energy and that this energy flows through everything. Love is the life force.

You are a being of Love. You are of the Divine. You are connected to everything.

Image by Salome Nel from Pixabay

Everything is inside of you at this very moment. The energy inside of you flows through everything.

You are everything.

There is no you and I. We are not separate. We are all made of Love. We are Love.

Let go of the distractions around you. Take time in stillness. Take time to reach within. Connect. Be.

Be open.

Feel your Love. Feel the energy flow. Feel your connection. Feel your power.

If only you realized that you are not your circumstances or your distractions. You do not belong to any definition of you except for Love.

You belong to Love. Because you are Love.

Love will open you. It will connect you with potential. It will connect you with all that is pure.

Don't filter yourself. Don't constrain yourself. Allow yourself to fall in. Fall with full trust.

Your potential and power are limitless.

You are the manifestor of you.


Find yourself again.


-Akiroq Brost

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