Anime Drawing Challenge "Hinata (Haikyuu)" Directly Using Pigment Ink In Less Than 10 Minutes
With the use of pigment ink pen, I draw Hinata of Haikyuu directly without looking any picture or drawing. I watch Haikyuu a year ago. It just happen, I run to the store this morning and seen Haikyuu played in television at the store. To remember, one of my favorite sports anime series is Haikyuu. So I decided to make an effort of making a draw of Hinata, the protagonist of the anime by recalling only what I've seen on TV. Without looking any picture to follow, I made this drawing. By the way, I made this drawing to enter in a challenge contest by @htliao.
Here's my final drawing of Hinata.
I did my drawing in the most simple way that one can imagine.
I'm not a professional artist, I'm still mastering my own technique. I draw the way I like. Unlike others, I draw directly without making any visible line to follow. So, here what I've done in making my drawing.
First, I made directly an edge line for the whole drawing that was pictured out in my mind. What I imagine about Hinata is what I draw.
After it, making the hair of Hinata directly.
Then the making edge of the eye. So direct.
Making the eye itself. Direct and simple.
The making of additional sketch to the body of Hinata, especially his hair.
Making a simple sketch in his nick.
And that's it. My Hinata of Haikyuu is made. I made this drawing within 10 minutes only.
I made this drawing unique and simple. This drawing should've win the contest. As they say, simplicity is beauty.