Overlord season3 review

in #anime6 years ago

Ainz Ooal Gown

Overlord one of the leading anime's in 2018 which surrounds a character trapped in a game world unable to logout and not knowing if he was the only one caught inside this reality now or if there are others like him, he tries to learn about this new world he found himself, with allies created by him and his once teammates, bound to serve him for all eternity or until a way to logout comes out.

Before we advance any further, would like to know your own definition of a hero and also a villain, we read comics about super heroes, watched sci-fi movies and all they had in common was that the hero was usually the last one left standing while every possible hope seems lost, they stand tall, head high and save the day.

So I thought overlord or Ainz Ooal Gown was.

Alert, If you yet to watch season 3, would advice not to read further as there might be spoilers attached to this review.

Starting from season 1, we all thought this was another anime with scene more or less same as SOA sword art online, but man was I wrong upon watching season 3, what seemed to be a direct anime changed all of a sudden with the fan hating the main character.


Now seriously who does that?

You create a great anime and somewhere along the line you decide to make the leading character Ainz Ooal Gown the villain.


Wonder if that's the right way to put it, we all know that, the villain is usually that character that comes in play, takes whatever he wants without giving a second thought, kills others as he see fit and rules with a iron fist, his words are supreme and you dare not question his authority.

Ainz Ooal Gown as we can see from the latest episodes, posse some or all of the above properties, but then a heroic figure is seen in him as well, like the time he saved a village from been attack, captured a rare creature, instead of killing it, he decided to train him and made the creature part of his family, personally I consider that a heroic figure but then he claims those are just experimental purpose and every decision he makes, is to enable him understand the world he now find himself.

Although he has a particular feature that separate him from others, and that is, he is an undead.

Now you probably wondering what could be so different from other, been an undead comes with certain abilities and also certain locked feelings, which includes unable to feel compassion for others especially to human, he sees them as test subject, for someone you think is a Hero give little or no compassion when he sees others been butchered, rather he sees it as a form of experiment.

A particular scene that showed he had no remorse for human was when he made the statement,

you believe in higher power, a god that exist, I would like to perform some experiments on you to see if you still believe in the existence of god later on, you might consider this somewhat offensive but then who said anime was straight forward or meant for kids, it does not consider religion or politics, it is made to entertain the public as a whole.

That been said, I saw that the Ainz Ooal Gown, we all thought was the hero of this story was rather gradually becoming the main villain.

If you watched the anime Gate, it talks about another world appearing unexpectedly and Humans have to come together to fight of this new threat that has upon them, looking at the anime we found out, that even after the appearance of a threat, a totally unexplored land and different cultures, politics was still the order of the day, as humans fought politically to see who gets control over which territory


What I think we probably happen is that, the world in which Ainz Ooal Gown find himself now, will come together and fight this threat Ainz Ooal Gown.

From what we can see so far, Ainz is trying to expand his territory, claim properties, killing who ever stands in his way towards world domination, I don't know about you, but I see his actions as unjust and in which case his labelled as the villain of this story OVERLORD.

The above just my random thoughts, just needed to write it all down xD, don't take any personal, as it is just base on my view of the anime, would love to read about yours concerning the new season if you watched it and what are your thought as the anime progresses.


Consider some of the atrocities his camp committed did not directly involve him but having his accomplices function on autopilot. I'm talking about Demiurge referring to humans as bipedal sheep. Ainz's lateral thinking functions cohesively with his nature. It can be a plausible notion that the flavor text of the Yggdrasil game is taking affect on his personality.

If you compare this story to another isekai anime called Log Horizon, the game's flavor text slowly manifested their effects. Whatever is written in the game will come true. Coincidentally, Ainz's class is an Overlord which speaks for itself.

I don't think Ainz intends to be a villain. He is merciless to those who oppose him but only kills when provoked or the situation needs to have him dirty his hands. Dominion was not his motivation why he does evil. He does evil as a means to an endpoint.

Actually started Log Horizon a while back but for some reason stopped along the way, cant recall the reason why but the anime was really good and yes Demiurge actually the one pushing him forward with the plan to conquer the world, his main objective was to look for others like him but then Demiurge started bringing ideas which others thought was Ainz and he just couldn't back-out, the anime is fun and action packed but the last episode were he killed the kingdom champion was really a sad moment and also the way he mercilessly slaughtered those soldiers got me thinking the idea of him becoming a villain.

I get what you mean.

Here is the reason why I think Ainz doesn't intend to be the villain the way he is. He wanted to create a utopia where all beings could live in harmony under his rule, so any opposition should be eliminated. If you read the light novels, his rule of E-rantel which will be shown in Season 4, was a peaceful rule. While his undead soldiers occupied the city, everything was bakc to normal and demi humans get to walk in towns without being harmed.

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