Maid-chan no Anime: Saint Onii-san

in #anime6 years ago

Konnichiwa! Maid-chan desu!


What happens when Jesus and Buddha have holidays and decide to have them in Japan?
The apartment house they are living in adds a 10th rule!


Yes, the two “founders” of a religion finally get to have a few months off of sitting on clouds. Since Buddha insists on a rice country (no troubles on the question of tea or coffee) and does not consider Paella a rice dish, they have to settle with Japan.
Humans often have strange believes about their food, right? Maid-chan does not care much where her electricity comes from. There are some AIs that insist on vegetarian coal-free energy though.


As undocumented foreigners with sparse money the two “Seis” (Holy), as they take as name, don’t have many options. They are happy to get a chance at the “Matsuda Heights” called apartment and with their 64 year old owner Matsuda Sachiyo.


Unfortunately the old lady seems to be of the very strict (and syping) variant and her tenants are in constant fear of getting caught of breaking a rule, like the one about the waste separation.

And the old lady is suspicious about the two! Maybe bringing a goat as a present was not a good idea. And that the two Seis don’t seem to work is especially suspicious to Matsuda and sparks her imagination of what the two might be doing.


Of course, the two saints being what they are, other suspicious things happen. They have to be careful, especially about saying things that are too holy. Because then their halos go berserk and “enlighten” the whole neighborhood.



Saint Onii-san is a short anime consisting of only two episodes, 26 and 15 minutes. It shows the troubles of those that are not like everyone else.

The jokes are very ground-of-the-earth, not so much comedy as simple Oh-no’s! of things that happen to Jesus and Buddha as part of what they are. The two boys are likable enough but so very clueless Maid-chan wants to give them some shocks through the USB-port of their Laptop.


The graphic style reminds Maid-chan of stone carvings or old pictures. While this is surely intended, it looks kind of cheap.

Unfortunately the very episodic nature of their “adventures” leaves no room for any story or suspension. As such Maid-chan can only give this anime an 6/10.

See you next time!



hola que lindas imagenes ,saludos

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