Maid-chan no Anime: Ore Monogatari (My Love Story!!)

in #anime6 years ago

Konnichiwa! Maid-chan desu!


Love is in the air!

Since Maid-chan didn’t review a romance anime for a long time, she is going to take a special one today!
Ore Monogatari was selected several times for best female oriented manga, so this opinion does not come only from Maid-chan.

At the heart of the anime are three people, two boys who are neighbors, friends and together in school for years, and a girl from a girl’s school.

One day, when they are on the way home from school, the girl gets attacked by a groper. One of the boys, Takeo Gōda, sees that and gets a little bit angry. Maid-chan understands that!


He runs to help the girl, getting the groper off her and catching him. And when he asks the girl Yamato Rinko if she is okay, love hits him like a falling space shuttle.


Rinko is cute, isn’t she? She is also very thankful. And she – believe it or not – is in love with Gōda!

But what sounds like a perfect, easy thing, is not that easy in reality. Rinko is too shy to say it directly. And Gōda does not think that any girl could fall in love with him, especially such a super-cutie!

In part this is because Gōda is incredibly big. Many call him “bear”, even though he is a real softie, always thinking only good things about others. Gōda is very popular in the boy’s half of the school because he is so strong and reliable, but girls often fear him.


The other reason is Gōdas friend and neighbor, Makoto Sunakawa (Suna in short). Every girl Gōda was ever interested in fell for Suna. Maybe this is because of his cool aura and good looks?

Most of the time Suna makes an unmoved face, but when Gōda does something strange (as he often does, because he is as damp as a wet towel), Suna starts to laugh.


Be as it is, after some troubles Gōda finally realizes that this pure, cute girl really likes HIM and they start dating.

For outsiders that must seem very strange. Rinko is relatively small, even for a girl. In contrast to her, Gōda looks like a mountain.


But fortunately there is one extremely practical thing that connects the two. Gōda likes to eat, especially sweet things like cakes. And Rinko like to make those things.

Maid-chan no Warning: The couple is so sweet with each other that after a few episodes, when Rinko brings another sweet to eat, your stomach will start to hurt from too much sugar!!


Even so the two sweethearts have a sweet-hard time with each other because they are so shy. The first time alone in Gōda’s room they can’t speak a word.

the sound of silence.png


As you can imagine, there is not much of a story in the anime. It is a romance comedy that is centered on the love couple. But there are a lot of “events”, often about Gōda’s inner conflicts if he is worthy for Rinko, that give us more insight into them while watching.

The most outstanding part of the anime are the colorful graphics. Everything is shiny colors and bishoujo.


As Maid-chan has mentioned before, there is so much dripping sweetness in this anime you get stomachache if you watch too much at once, so be careful!

All in all Ore Monogatari is a not-so-usual, nearly perfect romance anime. Maid-chan gives it 9/10 on the completely objective Maid-chan scale.


See you next time!



the fat boy wins in love too !


Due to absolute horrible internet I couldn't see the images... so I had to force my memory to remember me what anime this one was... and yep, totally agreed with you, it's a bishoujo anime, definitely not my type of anime, but was quite unique in it's own right too. Those inner conflicts of Gōda where some of the best around the anime itself.

It was painful to watch them, like a memory leakage.

Uah, my teeth already start to hurt!

I agree with this review... Like, the problem of the story itself is that, the two already reciprocates each other perfectly and the struggle is more on Goda having insecurities, LEL. I wanted to see this series as a longer work but it seems that the plot itself was limited shut to the corner coz of making them ACCEPT each other as it get what I mean here right?

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