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RE: So You Want to Watch Anime? Here are Ten Shows to Help You Get Started

in #anime6 years ago (edited)

I think that this can be said for a lot of "mecha" series actually.

For example in Getter Robo, Getter rays (similar to spiral energy) drives human evolution forward. It didn't have to be a robot, it could have been a tank or an airplane as you said, as long as it runs on Getter energy, the enemies of humanity would want to destroy it considering they see it as a threat to the universe.

But many see Getter as a mecha series, not as a series with mecha. What about mecha series like Votoms, Vifam or even Giant Robo (OVA)? I'm a fan of mecha, but it was never primarily because of the mecha itself. Of course a cool looking giant robot with an interesting backstory helps, but it's rarely ever enough.


I call this "the primacy of colour," where people like "Sci-fi series", even if they're actually "Fantasy in space."

Sometimes they share certain themes, which then make them "mecha show" in another way.

Regardless, such semantic discussion isn't actually very fruitful :) And I recommended the shows I did regardless of them being mecha shows, or shows with mecha, but based on their other salient characteristics of genres (actual genres, such as "Drama, thriller, mystery, etc."), plots, and quality.

Yes that's what I'm trying to say. Mecha is just one aspect of these many series. They usually have more going on than just mecha.

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