in #animalsunday7 years ago

Dear Steemians

Today I would like to introduce you to our cat Khadija within the framework of #animalsunday, initiated by @homeartpictures.

Khadija is a very loving, cuddly kitty, who now lives with me for almost 16 years. She was a foundling child and was brought to me in December 2001 as a very young cat. Khadija is a spring cat, born in May 2001 and now 16 1/2 years old. Well, our fondling tiger is not as agile as she once was, but is still fit for her age. Her good character let her endure with no great difficulty, first the arrival of my wife, then gradually the arrival of our daughters, the admission of our Rottweiler lady beauty (which unfortunately went over the rainbow-bridge a few years ago), the young foundling cat Little-Amadeus (who was unfortunately too fearless and killed by a car), as well as the now full-grown Labrador baby Mia.

Today Khadija enjoys her old years, as you can see in the photos, very intensively.

Liebe Steemians

Heute möchte ich Euch gerne im Rahmen von #animalsunday, initiiert von @homeartpictures, unsere Katze Khadija vorstellen.

Khadija ist eine sehr liebe, verschmuste Kitty, die nun schon fast 16 Jahre bei mir lebt. Die Gute ist ein Findelkind und wurde mir im Dezember 2001 als sehr junge Katze vermittelt. Khadija ist eine Maikatze, demnach im Mai 2001 geboren und nun 16 1/2 Jahre alt. Nun, unserer Schmusetiger ist auch nicht mehr so agil wie früher aber für ihr Alter immer noch fit. Ihr guter Charakter liess sie auch ohne grössere Schwierigkeiten, zuerst den Einzug meiner Frau, anschliessend nach und nach die Ankunft unserer Töchter, die Aufnahme unserer Rottweiler-Dame Beauty (die leider nicht mehr lebt), des jungen Findel-Katers Little-Amadeus (der leider zu furchtlos war uns so einem Auto zum Opfer viel) sowie des heute längst erwachsenen Labrador-Babys Mia, ertragen.

Heute geniesst Khadija ihre alten Jahre, wie ihr auf den Fotos sehen könnt, sehr intensiv.







I hope you liked my todays animal post and wish you a nice day.

Take care of yourselves,

Yours, Patrick

Ich hoffe mein heutiger tierischer Post hat Euch gefallen und wünsche Euch noch ein guten Abend.

Passt auf Euch auf,

Eurer Patrick

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Thanks Patrick, sweet post. Nice pictures taken from the little love in life.

Thank you so very much, my friend! :)

How sweet is Khadija??? I cannot believe that she is almost 17 years old! She is still so pretty and looking agile too! =)

I love the shot of her with the purple blanket wrapping her all up in a cozy sleep! I can hear her purring all the way over here! Also with your daughter. Sweet! Both of them. I am sure that her and Mia, the mightiest of Labrador Retrievers get along swimmingly.

What a nice post for a beautiful Sunday, Patrick. Upped and Steemed

Yes, she's indeed a sweetheart and loved by everybody, including Mia and most by my daughter, as one can see.

Thank you so very much, Denise! Have a wonderful week, my dear friend! :)

@pipurilla Hello again . I've been following you for a long time and I'm excited about everything. I take care to write upvote, resteem and comments on their subjects. The other day he took down the power and even got down. Now I'll read it, comment, comment, and upvote every time you get a comment from me. Thank you my dear friend @pipurilla

Thanks a lot! :)

Nice post & awesome photos my dear friend

Thank you so very much, my friend! :)

Nice to meet her from the photos and words sounds like she is a real sweetie

She is indeed! We all hope she will stay some more years with us.

Thanks a lot, my friend and have a very nice week! :)

I wish you All long times together 😎
You to have a good week

Thanks a lot, my friend! 😀

Thank you! :)

Khadija is really awesome cat with gorgeous eyes! Photos are fabulous dear Patrick! Great job :)

Thank you so very much, dear Maya! ;)

Awww! Great shots. What a beauty!

Did you see me on one of the photos? - Just kidding! 😀😉
Yes, our Khadija is indeed a beautiful cat-lady.
Thanks a lot, dear Melinda! 😊

Don't be surprised if I'm making that exact comment the next post I see you in! 😀😜


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