Animal Sunday - Initiated by @homeartpictures - Animals you don´t see every day / Tiere die man nicht jeden Tag sieht


Pelikane in Tin Can Bay Australien


Kangaroo in einem Wildlife Park in Australia


Mama und Baby Affe am Uluwatu Tempel auf Bali


These animals make it so easy to smile.

yes, especially the Kangaroo cause it looks like its smiling to 😃

wow Iv'e seen pelicans before but not will yellow around the eye like these pretty cool, I just posted my 1st entry for the #animalsunday post

das 2. foto ist richtig toll :D

what language is this Dutch?

Oh nice when I was little I had a cat with a German name. kleine Scheiße my grandmother didn't tell me what it meant until I was a bit older haha.

yeah sorry forgot to translate it. are you sure this was the name your grandma gave your cat? 😂

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