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RE: Some Ten Animals that have gone Extinct in the last two Decades

in #animals6 years ago (edited)

The eastern cougar with trinomial name -Puma concolor couguar is a member of the family felidae and is assumed to be extinct as the last time an eastern cougar was spotted was in the 1930’s. They were distributed in northeastern North America where they were first locally extinct before they were confirmed to be extinct globally. Just like the other extinct species of animals, the excessive poaching of the eastern cougar also happened in the 19th century and they were hunted for the fur, man also killed Judy like the wild dogs for fear of killing their livestock.

"Judy like the wild dogs" makes absolutely no sense.

I pressed ctrl+F to search the page for the word 'Judy'. There was only one reference to it, that being the one in the above passage. So, you're still doing what you were caught doing before. Badly rewriting other people's work. Tantamount to plagiarism. There's no other explanation for you throwing a random 'Judy' in the mix, is there?

Someone needs to throw you off the site if you don't clean up your act. Unfortunately, you'll probably continue to get with your terrible habit. Much to your cost, ultimately, I would imagine. If I had to mark your work at college, you'd be getting big fat zeroes every week.

How do you plead, this time?


@steemcleaners - I guess I missed the deadline for this one. But I think she deserves your bots back on her case. She's still dicking around, isn't she?

Just like the wild dogs!
Would you give me a break? And stop coming to my blog to write shit when you clearly do not produce quality content!

That other shoddy piece of work of yours (remember this?), you did a very poor job of re-writing other people's work. This time, I accept I was mistaken (who was to know your previous post was on wild dogs - it's not like anyone of any standing will love your 'work' as you're currently churning it out and read your every post as you throw them together. Is it?)

When you were caught cheating, you even explained the steps you took to try to evade detection. You failed that time. Maybe you're being a little more careful.

But any time I suspect you, I will call you out.

You only have yourself to blame for that though, don't you? As you still think what you did was acceptable (when any examiner worth his salt would probably rip your dissertations up, going off what you're still churning out).

If you have a problem with being called out, LEARN TO WRITE.

Like I explained in the post linked to above. When I told you - quite honestly - that everything I write is 100% original. And no non-cheater has ever accused me of being otherwise.

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