Miss Moo on her leash.....

in #animals7 years ago

So I already shared that my little Miss Moo loves flowers and smells them and paws them.

I also shared that she and I go on walks together - she is on a kitty leash.


She knows all the commands, sit, stay, stop, lets go, run, trot, down and 'we go home now' - at which point she bolts to the front door from the drive way! It's adorable! I also talk to her in Italian and French! She gets it all! And no Idid not train her. We are connected I am an animal communicator.

She is a special feline indeed.


cat control?

What do you mean?

This makes me wish I could have taken my cat on walks, but she was way to lazy, we would let her outside and she would just sit in the grass or go sleep in the bushes.

Cute! My feline asks to go out and picks up her leash to make sure I take her out. 😀

very handy if there are coyotes around. will try

Too cute! Much kitty love.

Thanks! She totally is a darling!

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