Pupdates and Catcalls

in #animals6 years ago (edited)


Dear friends and supporters,
So as many of you know we went on a large vet visit a few days ago. Wifi was brought to finally be neutered ( I never got to it at the old place because of money issues and here there were always other vet emergencies eating up the funds ) and Zoe, Jubilee and Shadow went for checkups. I also picked up the remains of my fuzzy Romeo :( and his last paw print. The box is beautiful and well made, his ashes are a lot heavier than I expected. It is really hard for me to say more about this as I am trying to function without him in our house and talking about him reduces me to a teary mess most of the time.

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So what is up with the girls?

Zoe has a yeast infection on her skin that is caused by the foods i feed her both the kibble and the supplement i cook with contain nutritional yeast and it apparently is an issue for her so I will have to see how to remedy this issue. For now she is on medication to get rid of the fungus and otherwise in good spirits.

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Jubilee has some yeast issues as well but not as bad as Zoe. I brought her in however ,because of her thiroyd. She has had issues in the past with it since her poisoning 6 years ago but it regulated itself. ( for further clarification -idiot threw antifreeze meat into our yard both Luna and jubilee were poisoned on two separate occasions a few weeks apart Luna did not make it :( - jubilee almost didn’t either but then miraculously pulled through. Another reason I am thankful to have left the hell hole that is High Point NC) So now years later Jubilee is showing symptoms again, so I decided to have blood tests done, the results will be back next week .

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Shadow went with us because I had felt an odd square shaped tumor on her side when brushing her. So I decided to take her with us. (Thank you to the ever so wonderful Mary Wurm who drives from far away to caravan us to our vet appointments, don’t know what we would do without you <3 ) Obviously I was hoping for a fatty tumor which many old dogs get. ( our Mooria has a big one on her side) . While in the waiting room I searched Shadow’s side to find it so I could present it to Dr. Walker and became very confused when I seemingly found it and it had not only changed shape but consistency. When i mentioned the shape change to Dr.Walker he made a joke saying it just grew overnight he then however found a second growth that was the original one I had found. Comes to find out that she has two growths- one a fatty tumor and sadly the second one, the one I came in for, most likely cancer. Shadow is 14 years old she will be 15 coming juli. She is showing no signs of pain or slowing down, so Dr. walker thinks it best not to operate as it could potentially make things very much worse. I agree but it also means that my shadow shadow is living on borrowed time as she eventually will start showing symptoms and have pain. But for now she is not so we will make her life as good as we can <3

It is really hard for me to face the reality of my fur kids’ mortality. Until Romeo left us I sort of ignored the fact of how old my babies are. Shadow is 14 going on 15 , Mooburt and Mooria are 12 going on 13 this February, Jubilee will be 11 in 2 months (really incredible considering I was told she would not live more than about 3 years after her poisoning because of the damage she sustained), Siegfried will be 9 next month on the 5th, Zoe is 7 and a half, Bhaaloo will be 7 next spring, Wifi just turned 6 and even our baby pooch Titine is now 5 and a half. It is scary. My kittehs are still young except for Maxi and mimmy but when it comes to the pooches a lot of sadness will make it self to our house in the next years and I need to be strong and face this fact and not flinch from it. I need to prepare emotionally but also really amp up my efforts to make this place senior friendly because they are not all going to stay as chipper as they are now. Shadow already has some issues with the stairs and the others are slowing down as well. i need that back deck with mini ramp. And i need the front porch screened in for the kittehs these two things will improve life quality for the furkids.

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As for the vet visit both Zoe and Shadow got their nails done. Zoe needed to be muzzled which is always really stressful for her and shadow was not happy either but she needed them done. Mary the girls and I went home and poor Wifi stayed behind to be brought home later by Jamie our favorite vet tech. Spaying and Neutering is really a conflicted thing for me on the one hand I am mutilating my kids bodies which really bothers me, but i also know that at this point in history it is the only responsible thing to do as it saves lives and helps curp the overpopulation problem we have. Still it fills me with a lot of guilt but it is the price we humans pay for enslaving the other earth races the way we have done.

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Later in the evening Jamie brought Wifi back home. He was not happy in his cone of shame but behaved well at the clinic. the first two days he cried a lot, but then he is my sensitive baby. Today his spirits are good i removed the cone wich made him dance. He is still swollen but is healing well. Today will be the last day on his pain meds , we will see how he does without them. but I think he will be fine. Jamie will be back on the 17th to pull his stitches; which is super nice of her as it spares me a trip to the clinic. As for expenses our Vetbill is almost paid up i still have 107.07 outstanding but have a pledge for that so we should be ok . Later today or the next days I am going to make a post for the things we need for December and also post a special wishlist for Yule/Christmas of frivolous wishes . Mary brought me a bag of dog food and Carl sent me one so I have about 10 days worth at this point if anyone wants to send us some more we are as always thankful. i also always need nappies and wraps for Burt our general wish list ishere

As always thank you for your continued interest and support
Alex and the furries <3


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(Image credit Dave Renike and a portrait of the fair jubilee made by myself turned into this here universal truth meme) 1146410_626398614061443_1547687283_o.jpg


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art courtesy of @PegasusPhysics



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this little girl was made for me by @barbara-orenya


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Greetings @tygertyger! Sorry about your Romeo. It's good that your "hair children" have in you a loving mother and care for the welfare of all.

Thank you :)

At the age of 4 weeks, most dogs have developed the majority of their vocalizations.

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