
because we are somehow more important than birds, right?

howdy there dunstuff! well, yes humans take priority over birds if it's a matter of our survival or food supply but I'm sure that Australia will work toward a solution which is good for us without endangering the birds. thank you so much for your comment!

hahaha! somehow I knew you wouldn't qualify for this redneck trait noname! I'm surprised they haven't used shotguns, that would be the Texas way but I suppose they're more civilized down there.

Isn't Australia more strict on guns than Texas? Actually, I think everyone in the world is more strict on guns than Texas.

no sir Texas has surprisingly strict ones but Australia doesn't even hardly allow anyone to have them, that's why gun crimes and other types of crimes have gone up so much because the criminals know that the law abiding citizens are disarmed!
it's the same story everywhere. the more free the gun laws and the more guns that people are allowed to have the lower the crime, same stats everywhere in the world.

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