Get closer to the Life and Types of the Finches

in #animals7 years ago (edited)

The bird of kutilang is a bird that has a singing sound that sounds unique and diverse. Because of his unique voice, so many people who want to keep this bird and will be included with other birds kutilang race.Which in the race the bird will pit the most frequent sound out and most loud voice. Pycnonotidae is the national tribe of the finches.And for the other name of the finches are the kucilang kutilang or also many who call it by the name of cankurileung.

species of birds finches
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On the island of Java birds kutilang commonly referred to as genthilang. For the scientific name is Pycnonotus Aurigaster obtained from the feathers of birds around his orange ass.

This bird has a medium size and if measured on average has a length of 20 cm for adult finches.

Habitat Burung Kutilang

The habitat of the finches is spread extensively up to 1,600 m asl. This bird is also often found in open places.

For example like in the garden, curb, yard, scrub, up to the home page in urban areas. Birds tend to be found kutilang roam in groups.

Whether it's clustered with its own kind or can be grouped with other types. Even these medium-bodied birds are also often seen in groups with other bird species.

This bird dispersal area is widely available in South China and Southeast Asia except in Malaysia.

In Indonesia alone birds kutilang spread in Java and also the island of Bali.

Then breeding on the island of Sumatra and also Sulawesi. Lately birds kutilang also found on the island of Borneo.

Food of the Finches

While nurturing birds often we do not know exactly what foods we should give. So the finches are healthy and gacor.

If we give favorable and nutritious napkins, then there is no doubt that the finches will live a long time and the voice can be gacor.

The main foods of the finches are soft fruits, such as papaya.

In addition to papaya fruit, bananas can also be used as food for finches, because the banana is a soft texture, but make sure the bananas are also ripe.

For better puppies given a ripe papaya fruit then in puree or in milled first. The goal is to make the fruit so lighter and easy to digest by the puppies of this finches.

In addition to eating fruits, these birds also eat insects such as grasshoppers, butterflies, caterpillars and so forth. therefore, this bird is friendly with farmers for eating plant pests from farmers.

Every morning, the birds of kutilang have a habit of dew bath and also sunbathing. These birds also have a habit of raising their crest when they are happy or when they will sing.

Type of Finches

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The golden Kutilang bird

Gold Flyfish is a medium and slim bird. The length of the body as a whole is about 18 cm.

The upper side of the body of the golden finches is olive green. Then the bright yellow bottom side is very beautiful.

With the head and black crest of dark, then bright red color thrown in addition to the race of Borneo, the yellow on his throat.

Iris white, cream, pale yellow and also reddish, black beak and leg part.

Due to the small gold-finick population in Indonesia, it is natural that golden finches are not so popular.

Typically, the dominant color in golden finches is greenish yellow, whereas ordinary kutilang birds are slightly brownish brown.

As if observed in terms of posture, then the physical size is not much different.

In certain areas, there are dubbing golden finches are called yellow cucak, then this bird is still included in the family Pycnonotidae.

In the country of Indonesia, golden spawning birds spread to the island of Java, Sumatra, Borneo, and also Bali.

Not only that, this bird is also spread widely to the overseas, namely up in South Asia, especially most commonly found in India.

Characteristic of Golden Fingers
The finches are birds that like to settle in an area. Particularly in the area of ​​many trees.

This bird will also move if it is really forced. Because it began to deplete the stock of trees that are not shady. It is also caused by the depletion of food stock.

However, the kutilang does not include the spoiled type of burng, so golden finnish food is easy to obtain.

Bird finches are generally alive and live in groups, there are at least 5 tails at a place.

Generally also with the singing along with melodious, as well as many who recognize if the finches are birds chirping fighter who like to twitter.

So, many people who use this golden kutuan kutilang for masters.

The golden finches on the head are black, the lower neck to the lower abdomen is yellow.

Then the upper body, as well as the wings a little greenish red color. The tail is a bit long, and the legs look thick and sturdy.

The male crown is easy to recognize. Usually most stud birds like to sing by using a variety of chirps.

birds Kutilang Sutra

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Kutilang silk is one of the popular birds of chirping in the country. Although this bird is not as popular as a stone magpie and also lovebird birds.

This bird is sometimes the subject of conversation for most of kicaumania. For some of the advantages found in this type of birds finches.

This silk kutilang bird is the favorite kind of birds finches, and now many are keeping it to be a pet bird at home.

Kutilang silk has spread widely to the island of Sumatra, Borneo, and the island of Java.

In general, these birds live in areas of hills-hills, mountains, highlands overgrown with trees, forests, and others.

His life in a group way, always together well when in a region or move to another area.

And each group generally has a leader, the male who has a very loud and loud voice chirping and the greatest posture.

This Kutilang bird can attack the disturbing chirping birds that come, so naturally if this bird is also dubbed the bird fighters.

This bird is not only good when chirping, but also have a strong mentality. Then for this silk kutilang bird food is a variety of fruits and also eat small insects.

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I love morning singing bird thanks for sharing this information article

as well as I love the singing of this bird

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