Annual Toy Washing.... CoCo waits oh so patiently for them to dry

in #animals7 years ago (edited)

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Yep, fall arrived, and it was time to wash my little girls favorite doggie toys. (3 weeks have past since then) She can never understand why I taunt her through this annual ritual of hanging them above her head. She literally sits below the clothesline waiting for me to take down her little friends.

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CoCo is once again content to have her friends back in her toy basket, however, not until she spent time rolling around and placing her scent all over them. Just a little bit of humor from my house to yours and I hope you enjoyed a bit of doggy fun today.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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I bet she gives you some funny looks through this yearly ritual

I get the stare, panting as she sits below the line and that really? look. she is too funny. She crashes at night after sitting there most of the afternoon watching over them. How's your wife feeling these days with her headaches, any changes for her.

lol poor thing

She is doing slightly better but not really much on an improvement but I keep hoping they will fade away

I am sorry to hear that, I was hoping she would be much better. Have you tried UCCA?

It is Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association. All they do is gently move your upper cervical spine back to where it is supposed to be. She may well be out of center adjustment in her neck. I love my UCCA and go on a regular basis throughout the year to assist with my wellness. Love to you both.

Thanks for being so caring,

She did see a Chiro a couple of years bac, but honestly i didnt think much of that one we were talking to a friend last week and discussed the same, after thanksgiving we may well try that

Thanks again you are so kind

You are most welcome JJ

This is why I love dogs, they have such wonderful personalities and loyal, makes no difference if it a toy or a friend, they hang around and wag the tail in the end @sunscape

I totally agree Joan, she is the love of our life bringing so much joy everyday. She is too funny though when we wash her toys.

This is so good, enjoyed it.

Lol! Coco does NOT look amused that the toys are up there out of reach, I'm glad things quickly took a turn for the better once they were returned to their rightful place... on the ground ;)

Nope, she does not like wash day. She sits underneath and guards over them and often glances at me like what are you doing to my friend. She crashes hard at the end of the day. It really does kind of stress her out.
Thanks for your comment.

haha aww well yes valuable toys suspended out of reach for what must seem like an ETERNITY is bound to stress anyone out! <3

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