Emotional Support Animals Legit or BS? Let the debate beginsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #animals7 years ago

Emotional Support Animals Legit or BS?

I've recently seen a lot of stuff in the news about emotional support animals, and have also noticed a lot of heated discussions going on online in regards to them. I was just curious where you Steemians stand on this issue?

What's The Controversey

So for anyone who's not aware there's a difference between service animals and emotional support animals. I don't think anyone would ague a blind person shoudln't have a seeing eye dog or someone with seizures shouldn't have an animal which can alert them to the fact they are about to have a seizure.

The debate and controversy seems to evolve around emotional support animals.

So What's The Difference?

Service Animals

So service animals are actually animals which are trained to assist someone with a specific role. It could be guiding a blind person, alerting an epileptic person that they are going to have a seizure or bringing someone their medication during an emergency. These animals are trained to provide a specific task for a person with a need. These animals also go through an immense amount of training and are certified to not only do a task, but also be good and well behaved in public and around people.

Emotional Support Animal

Emotional support animals for some people with severe anxiety or other issues play an important role. The controversy however revolves around how easy it is to get one's dog, cat, snake, or whatever else to be considered an emotional support animal. There's plenty of websites online where for a fee someone can essentially pay for a letter that lets them bring their pet anywhere they want for no other reason than wanting to bring their pet around. Or someone can simply visit their family doctor and ask for a letter, and if they have a good relationship with their physician can probably get the letter.

My Thoughts

So here's my thoughts on the issue. I don't deny the fact that there's people out there who legitimately need an emotional support animal. That said I think they are probably in the minority compared to the many people who use this as a way to bring their dog or cat around with them, who avoid paying to fly their dog, and who avoid having to pay pet fees in hotels and apartments.

I've been reading online a bit about this and it seems people with legitimate needs for service animals and/or emotional support animals also want the requirements tightened as they feel there is widespread abuse and they feel that people who are abusing the system give them a bad name.

There's no certification or training required for an emotional support animal so these dogs are not necessarily good doggy citizens.

Just to play devil's advocate say smoking weed relaxes me. Should I be allowed to smoke weed wherever I go in public because it relaxes me? Some people are relaxed by masturbating or listening to loud rock music, should we let them jerk it while blasting Metalica at a crowded restaurant? While these may seem like ridiculous examples they kind of illustrate how we need to balance the needs of a few vs the needs of many. Also, why is having a dog an acceptable means of relaxing oneself but not smoking a joint?

The debates I've been seeing lately revolve heavily around airplane travel with one side saying "hey I'm allergic where's my rights to be comfortable" and the other side saying "I have anxiety and I need this animal to be comfortable."

I think a lot of this we can link back to arguments about smoking. People say your rights begin at the tip of my nose. I think no matter what way we cut it, either side you take your saying that someone's emotional comfort is more important than someone with allergies physical comfort or you say that someone's physical comfort is more important than someone's emotional comfort.

It's Not Black And White

Here's my solution to this or my thoughts on this. Should emotional support animals be a thing? Absolutely

Is the current system abused Absolutely

I think the process of having an emotional support animal should be more difficult than simply paying someone online $100 and should be more difficult than simply getting a doctors note. If you want your dog to go in public places which typically don't allow animals you should have to go through some certification and training to make sure your pet is a friendly, well adjusted and safe animal to have around people and that your animal behaves as to not inconvenience, harm, or make other people uncomfortable.

Also, I feel the need to add I'm a huge animal lover myself and have two dogs in my family and am also someone who suffers from a bit of anxiety.

I'll also add I think we're kind of living in the era of me me me and fuck everyone else and where as in the past someone may have been a bit uncomfortable themselves for the comfort of others, today it's fuck everyone else I want my way.

Kind of a different example but I'm a smoker, yes I know it's a terrible habit and I'm trying to quit. While sometimes I may be craving a cigarette, if I'm around other people, even though I'm well within my legal right to light up a smoke, I will not do so because I know it can bother other people. I think people as a whole should be a bit more considerate of the comfort of other people as opposed to themselves.

One last comment, I think to some extent all animals are emotional support animals. I can definitely relaxes me sitting relaxing with my dogs giving them a pat on the head. If dogs weren't emotional support animals nobody would probably have them, but at what point does it become a right?

Let the debate begin. What are your thoughts?


I think that there is a time and place for everything in this World. If you are having a hard time coping with life or have a sickness that leaves you debilitated, and an animal is helping you in some sort of way....More power to you, enjoy your family. If a person is unfortunate to have a vision problem, an amazing aide for them would be a seeing-eye dog...right? Definitely, this is the one life we live and so what if there is an animal in a carrier on a bus. If you don't like pets or have an allergy, maybe sit far away from them so you are irritated by the pet. It would be nice for all parties to be respectful of each other and their spaces and individualistic lives.

It is abused for sure and usually I don't mind. I had a friend I went to college with and she was living in Hawaii and she ended up with a dog out there. She was checking the prices to fly with the dog back to the main land and it was going to be more expensive than registering the dog as a service dog. So she did that and now she takes her dog with her everywhere she goes.

I kind of thought it was funny for awhile but almost felt like it was unhealthy for her. People would want to pet her dog but she refused to let anyone pet the dog. It was weird to me. She would tell them that her dog doesn't like to be bothered. I was like WTF

Yeah I was recently going to fly my dogs down to South Carolina and it was going to be like $400 to $600 per dog so it's not cheap. That said I think it kind of trivializes the needs of people who really need the animal when people are doing it just to save money on a flight or just to skimp out on paying a pet desposit on a hotel or apartment

I'm all for it, if it's needed. I have a dog and love it but i don't use it as an excuse for not paying the fees.
Good post mate, and I stand behind most of your thoughts and ideas

You've got some great thoughts on the matter and it seems like we agree on major points. I am opposed to emotional support animals, not just as a person who suffers from anxiety and major depression, but also as someone who studied psychology.

While earning my degree in psychology, I learned about the effectiveness of exposure therapy. The concept is this: the more you are exposed to a stimulus, the less anxiety you feel about it. Take for example someone who is afraid of spiders. Step one of treating them with exposure therapy might be to tell them that there is a caged spider in the next room. Then, on the next visit, put the cage outside the door. Next, in the same room, opposite corner of the patient, and so on until the patient is comfortable with the idea of a an uncaged spider in the room. A similar concept is "baby steps" from the movie "What About Bob?"

Anyone with social, generalized, or another type of anxiety would get healthier by way of exposure therapy, instead of feeding the anxiety with having an animal around all the time. The emotional support animal is the equivalent of the security doll or blanket. It is unhealthy for the individual to be dependent on this animal to be functional. It's anti-psychology.

The only legit use of an animal like that is a PTSD animal. But here's the catch: a PTSD dog is a trained service animal, not an emotional support animal.

Additionally, I'm allergic to most animals and cannot be in the same vicinity as them for more than a half-hour most times. I also don't want filthy animals in the grocery store. We put up with it for legitimately disabled people, such as the blind, because they legitimately need the trained animal. That's why service dogs don't shit in the aisle of an airplane.

This thing is being abused and it needs to stop. I'll gladly put up with a legit service dog in the store or on an airplane, but I shouldn't have to deal with narcissism dogs (or other animal) because some chick likes to have her lapdog in the produce section.

Good mental health requires work, and I'm certain that anxiety can be treated better with cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy, rather than reinforcing the anxiety by having a comfort animal around all the time. Don't reinforce the unhealthy behavior or condition.

That said, it's a shame that this type of thing is being abused. The population that "needs" this type of solution is getting a bad reputation due to a large number of bad apples.

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