Why can not save animals

in #animals5 years ago (edited)


It’s probably strange for you to hear from a person who brings to the masses ideas about protecting animals that animals need not be saved always, but such is the cruel truth of life. So cruel that most people are unable to see the brink of good and evil, because a sense of compassion prevails over common sense ...

As you remember, I try to show you wildlife as it really is. In my publications I regularly tell how the stronger offend and kill the weak. This is a natural process that cannot be changed. As a rule, everyone understands this. But should I tell you how, say, lions or hyenas squeeze food from a cheetah with kittens, or worse, all the same lions or hyenas kill kittens, as soon as there are those who accuse me of inaction. Like, you yourself drown about the protection of cheetahs, the number of which is rapidly declining, but at the same time did not hit a finger on a finger to protect unfortunate kittens. And that's what I wanted to talk about today. Explain why I do not do this or do, but in secret from my colleagues ...

I worked as a ranger in a national park, and now I am engaged in charity and educational activities. Most of my life is concerned with wildlife and cheetahs in particular. In my eyes, large predators (and not only) repeatedly attacked cheetahs or other kittens.

Each time was unique and here are a few examples:


A flock of five adult lionesses smelled the cheetah lair where kittens had recently been born.

Elephants passed by and sniffed the lioness's den with three small cubs

A female leopard caught a gazelle and brought it to her kittens. Two hyenas smelled fresh prey and smelled. For cheetahs, this is a risk of losing not only food but also life.

What I did in these three situations:

Of course, I started the engine and tried to drive away the lionesses, but by doing so I endangered myself, did not help the cheetah, or maybe even made it worse, disorientated the mother and kittens to their strange actions.

There were no options at all. It is impossible to interfere with a group of elephants. Their hatred of predators, size and strength are such that it is simply impossible to stop. I just watched what was happening. I could not even take pictures. It's just tin ...


Anticipating further events and considering that there were only two hyenas, I managed to drive them away. Fortunately, the cheetah my actions did not bring down the table. However, she still threw food. Kittens' lives are not worth one dead gazelle.

In most cases, to save one wild animal from another, you need to use force. But, as you already understood, using force is not always possible. Sometimes a ranger squad is needed to drive animals away. And how to decide which animal is more valuable - a cheetah or a lion? After all, even hyenas require protection - they are the most important participant in self-regulation.

I regularly tell you that there are so few cheetahs that each of them is worth its weight in gold. But to imagine a squad for each cheetah is impossible physically. And then what will happen to this species if it survives only through personal protection? Then it’s easier to immediately transfer them all to the zoo. Therefore, this method of saving rare species is almost utopian.


Interfering in the processes of the wild, you need to think a hundred times, calculate everything, weigh the pros and cons. Smart and experienced people did this for me. And my every intervention, even such as I described above, is more a manifestation of my weakness, and not an aid to nature. There are tons of other ways to protect and preserve the look. Many cheetahs died in the paws of lions, but it cannot be compared with how many of them died at the hands of man. And here there is work to do ...

All image from Pixabay


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