¿Did you know that every time there is less rhino, because of the removal of their horns? .

in #animals6 years ago

The rhinoceros, known by the name of rhinos, are a family of placental mammals of the ceratomorphic suborder belonging to the order of the perisodactyls, which have a body mass according to the following:
White rhinoceros: 2.300kg,
Black rhinoceros: 800-1,400 kg, more
Average life: White rhinoceros: 40-50 years old, Black rhinoceros: 35-50 years.

The rhinoceros is an animal with a unique appearance, which will not easily confuse, are large in size and with a thick gray skin covering them.
There are five species of rhinos at this time and three of them have a high risk of extinction, their numbers continue to fall, because humans are destroying their environment and continue hunting for their horns.


The rhinos have been in the land for millions of years, and there are still many things that are not known about them, because it is difficult to explore due to their aggressive nature, it seems that they do it quite well in captivity, but real studies, in the nature, can be difficult to perform.
This species of animals live in areas of Asia and Africa, some species of rhinoceros have two horns instead of just one, the largest is with which they fight, and can grow up to 5 feet long, the DNA of these animals shows us that all species, except the black rhinoceros, have 82 chromosomes, this species in particular, has 84............

It is important to note that these animals tend to live alone due to the fact that they are aggressive by nature, although the species of white rhinoceros has to be more social than the others.
The question is, why are men hunting the horns of the rhinoceros?


Recall that greed has been one of the most dangerous evils that has manifested in man since its existence, and this regardless of who or what may be harmed, and an example of this is that men are currently hunting the rhino horns, because its price is.60 thousand dollars per kilo, question that has been one of the most precious items of the black market for years.......

Why is the rhinoceros horn so important to men?
Obviously you will be wondering why the horn, what is the rhinoceros horn for? - The reason is that these horns are a very precious and significant article among people of high purchasing power and for a reason quite curious, according to information, this mostly happens in Asia, then, the rhinoceros horn whose kilo has a price greater than the kilo of gold - is considered a kind of magical elixir to which many properties are attributed, according to science, they are mere supertitions, but they have almost led to the extinction of a species.
¿If it were not for greed, would it make sense to mutilate the rhinoceros like that?
The answer would be totally different, then, there would be no reason for poachers to start and sell them on the black market.

This fact is a criminal act against animals, as it is an act of mutilation, which must create awareness in the human being so as not to extinguish what God has created.


Mientras exista alguien que lo compre seguiran matando. Hay que concienciar a público comprador también y multar fuertemente al que tenga cuernos de rinoceronte.

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